Edit as of 10/11/2024: thank you for 1 million reads, it truly is an incredible achievement, I never in my entire lifetime would think that this story that a fifteen year old version of myself would amass a million reads so thank you!
This story is...
So now that y/n has lost his powers, I have a few ideas of what power I wanna give y/n but here are two that I have in mind mostly.
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Made in Heaven
This stand allow for the increasing of time (all JoJo antagonistshave stands related to Time, Ifind it to be a neat addition). It also is abletomove at unmatchable speeds and possesses extreme strength.
A couple of reasons made me pick this one including the factthat one of myend games is to create an alternative timeline where y/n is evil and since Made In Heaven allows for a new universe to be born, I can use that universe.
Also many people have asked for a Stand.
We can have Trihexa 666 as a Sacred Gear. It would be unique as I've never seen anyone use Trihexa 666 as a Sacred Gear before and as youknow, I'm all 'bout being unique.
A couple reasons Ichose this one but the biggest one was that many people have asked for y/n tohave a Sacred Gear so this will be a nice opportunity for that.
Lemmeknow in thecomments what you think and if you have any other suggestionsformore abilities, lemme know!