Chapter 56

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It's been a couple of days since Shiva and y/n returned from the battle with Trihexa 666. Y/n is still in near death condition after activating a transformation that gave him all the power he would ever have in his prime, which was overkill when it came to defeating Trihexa 666. He easily defeated the beast but the transformation came with a cost; a very painful cost. But after some discussion, Michael, Shiva and Gabriel found a way to overcome this problem. They plan on using the Sacred Gear, Sephiroth Graal to wish him back to normal. The only problem is that it's wielded by Valerie Tepes, a dhampir and the Vampire faction don't get along well with the other supernatural factions. Let's find out how they plan on tackling this problem.

Gabriel POV:

I sat on one of the couches nervously waiting nervously for Michael. He told me that he would see if we can visit the Vampire faction today to get y/n back to his normal state. 'This has to work' I thought desperately as I waited more. Y/n was in terrible condition and this was practically only method that would work safely.

After a couple more minutes, he came back smiling widely so I knew that he was successful. "We managed to convince them into letting us visit them!" I grinned excitedly at that statement.

"That's good news! What did they ask for in return?" I asked him because the vampires are one stubborn faction. They don't listen very well to other factions so I knew he had to have said something that appeased them or atleast offered them something.

"Yeah about..." before he could answer Shiva walked into the room. When he saw our smiles he raised an eyebrow and asked us a question. "I take it you managed to convince them?" Michael nodded and I nodded as well.

"So what did they ask for in return?" I ask him as Shiva joined in and said, "yes I too wish too know" Michael nodded and began to explain.

"Well...Valerie asked for when she uses the Sephiroth Graal to fix him back to normal, that she gets to drink some of his blood whenever she wants to and one of that time is right after she revives him" my eyes widened at what he said. I couldn't possibly let this happen!

"What kind of request is that?! Do you see the shape he's in?!" I asked him angrily as he sighed and nodded. "That's what I told her too but she kept on relenting and relenting. I had no other choice" I calmed down a little bit and nodded but still was concerned.

Shiva then spoke up, "if that's the condition that she sets, we have no choice but to go along with it. Vampires are known to be extremely stubborn and as of right now we need her more than she needs us, so we need to comply for y/n's sake" we all nodded.

"You all ready?" Shiva asks as we all nod. He formed a teleportation circle as we all stepped on it.


We arrived at the Tepes household. It was guarded by several vampires. They didn't pose no threat to us due to Shiva being with us but we still had to be careful.

"Follow me" one of the guards said as we all nodded. We followed him into the mansion. The place was dark as expected and it gave off a really scary and eerie feeling.

I shivered a bit and asked, "why does this place have to be dark?" Shiva and Michael chuckled as Micheal spoke up and answered, "well what do you expect? Their vampires acter all, but let's focus on the main task at hand, ok?" I nodded as we continued walking.

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