Chapter 9

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After the events of yesterday, in which Issei got himself killed by 'yuuma', who turned out to be a fallen angel named Raynere in disguise, and then Rias Gremory appeared in order to 'save him' and reincarnate him into her peerage apparently as a pawn piece under her and the rest of her peerage. In reality she had came when he was just about to die and then decided to reincarnate him, but y/n was sure that she wasn't gonna tell him all that. Anyways, yesterday y/n had a chat with Michael and he got an approval to do something he has always wanted to do and let's just say, he was gonna have some fun.

Y/n pov:

I was sitting on one of the chairs of the dining table eating breakfast and talking with Ayumi about our missions and how it was going.

"Hey, Ayumi~chan, how's your mission going?," I asked her and she turned to me and replied, "well as I said yesterday, I found out that the excaliburs are in the possession of the fallen angels, and the worst thing is that I don't know, what their plan is to do with it."

After hearing that, I told her what happened yesterday. "So yesterday, Issei Hyoudou, the new red dragon emperor, got killed by a fallen angel, and was reincarnated as a devil under Rias Gremory." I finished and she looked shocked. I continued by saying,"yes, the fallen Angel's recently are engaging in some kind of shady businesses lately, but I can't seem to find out what it is." I said a bit frustrated. Ayumi then said, "yes, I feel something big is in the making, and I feel the fallen Angel's are involved in it but I have no idea what they're trying to do." We both nodded.

"Anyways, I have confirmation from Micheal to do some, 'clearing out', of some fallen Angel's so I'll be skipping school today," she then asked me if she could join and I nodded no and said,"Michael said that if you were to join, it would raise suspicions from the devils in the area," she looked a bit disappointed but just nodded.

She then asked me, "how did you convince Michael to let you do that, I thought he didn't want you, to interfere in any fallen angel activity or any devil activity?," she asked me and I smirked, "well....,"


Y/n pov:

After I saw Issei got killed by the fallen angel and get revived as a devil, I decided to go home and report everything to Michael so I started to walk home and when I reached, I picked up my cellphone and called him.

"Hey, y/n," he replied and I told him, "Remember when I told you about Issei's date?," and he said yes and I continued, "well turns out his so called date, was with a fallen angel in disguise!," I told him and I heard a shocked gasp over the phone and he replied, "a fallen angel!!!, what happened after?," and I told him, "well, he got killed and reincarnated into Rias Gremory's peerage and is now a devil." I told him nonchalantly. He asked me," Did you intervene anytime while it was happening?," and I my reply was,"Nope, I just watched a guy die, and did nothing, I have a big heart, don't I?," I asked him sarcastically and he replied ignoring my remark, "well as long as you didn't intervene, I can allow it." and I was about to hang up when I remembered that I wanted to ask him something since I've been here. "Hey, Micheal?," he asked what and I continued, "I've noticed some abandoned churches in the area and I've seen some stray exorcists and stray priests and some fallen Angel's in them, and I was wondering if I could go and practice my sword fighting skills with them?, I asked him and to my surprise he reply yes, "I guess I'll allow it only because strays give the church a bad name and due to our current situation, maintaining that balance is crutial,on and remember to wear a mask when you go!" he told me and I nodded and hang up but I was excited.

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