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"Hey bestie, Happy birthday" Jace spoke into the phone.

"Aww, thanks Jace, love you" Jade replied elated.

"Thank god you are in a good mood" Jace sighed in relief.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, it's 5 in the morning and I know how you get mad and cranky when woken up early." Jace reminded her.

"So? It's my birthday today and don't worry buddy, Owen beat you to it."

"Dang it, I wanted to be the first one to wish you" Jace whined.

"Maybe next year buddy but remember the party starts at 6" Jade reminded him.

"Sure thing bestie, wouldn't miss it for the world. Anyways, have fun, bye"

"Thanks, Jace, bye"

Jace ended the call and took one look from his window at the Page residence for the millionth time in the past two days. "Why won't you give me a chance, Char?" Jace sighed.

Jace got dressed and went for practice. Even though it was a Sunday, Coach Barnes insisted that they need to train hard for the upcoming tournament.

In the meantime

Charlotte's phone starts to ring. She wakes up from a deep slumber and looks at her phone screen. It was Jade. Charlotte debates for a minute before receiving the call.

Phone conversation

"Hello?" Charlotte said in a sleepy voice.

"Hi Charlotte, it's Jade"

"Hi, Jade, what's up?"

"Nothing much, it's my birthday today"

"Oh, Happy birthday Jade"

"Thanks and I called you to invite to my party at 6 in the evening"

"Sure, text me the address and I will be there"

"I will and make sure you are here exactly by 6 pm" Jade insisted.

"Okay" Charlotte replied getting a little suspicious but she shrugged it off.

"Kay gotta go, bye"

Phone conversation end

After hanging up the call, Jade texted Owen, "Everything's set". 

Owen replied to her "WTF".

"What???😠😠😠" jade texted back.

"Chill bestie, it means "Well That's Fantastic"😂" 

"Ohh  👍"


Jace came back from practice at nearly 5 pm and got ready for the party. He took the gift and headed to Jade's house but not before taking another peek at Charlotte's house. He missed her so much.

Charlotte got dressed for the party and headed to Jade's house. It was 6.20 when she reached the house and saw that it was oddly very quiet for a party. She knocked on the door hoping she doesn't regret it. Jade opened the door.

"Hi Charlotte, come on in" Jade invites her in with a friendly hug.

"Uh thanks, Jade, am I by any chance early for the party?" Charlotte asked her nervously because something doesn't feel right.

"No you are right on time," Jade said and ushered her into the living room where Owen and Jace were sitting on the couch talking.

"Look who's here" Jade announced excitedly.

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