Will you be my Girlfriend?

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Jace woke up with a start with tears streaming down from his eyes and he was panting. He wiped the tears with his hands and looked at the time in the clock on his nightstand. It was 3 am and there was no way he will be able to go back to sleep but he needs to because in less than 12 hours, they have their finals match and they were up against their biggest rivals, "Westbridge High"

He took out the picture from the secret compartment in his dresser, where he has had it for the past 2 1/2 years. No one knows he kept it because he was the one that burnt down all the pictures on that day.

"I miss you so much Rose" he cried harder hugging the picture so tight as if he were afraid that if loosen his grip for even a second, she would leave him. The hardest truth is she did leave him and he missed her like hell, every waking moment of his life.

He never admitted it but he loved her with everything he had but life bites and kicks us where it hurts the most. This time it was his heart and there was no way of mending it.

He doesn't like to talk about her anymore and he never did after that day but when Charlotte asked him "Why?" he couldn't stop all the memories that came rushing back up almost to the point of choking him.

He went downstairs and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and went back to his room trying not to wake up his siblings. He drank the water and tried to go back to sleep hugging the picture.

Eventually, he dozed off only to wake up 20 minutes later after having the same nightmare for the millionth time. He sat on his bed and buried his face in his hands crying his eyes out.

He didn't know why but he felt like talking to Charlotte. She was the first girl to ask him why. She saw that there was more to him than what he lets people see. At that moment he knew he can count on her no matter what. Maybe it was destiny or some happy coincidence that brought her to his school but she made him feel like he could finally open up about his past and face his demons.

It was 3.45 am and she should be fast asleep, he thought.

He lay on his bed eyes wide open fearing that if he closed his eyes, he would have to relive that day again and he cannot do it.

Next morning

"Jace, you look like shit. Didn't you get any sleep last night?" Charlotte asked concerned.

"Yeah no, I did. I am just nervous that's all" he assured her avoiding eye contact.

"Okay, I am gonna go now and all the best for the game," she said and turned to go but he held her hand stopping her.

"Yes?" she turned back to face him.

"Angel, I have a question for you"

"What is it Norman?" she asked looking into his eyes.

She can see that whatever he wanted to ask was important.

"Go to your locker and you will find a note with my question in it," he said and went to meet his teammates.

Charlotte went to her locker and opened it; a note fell on the floor. She picked it up and opened it. it read,

Dear angel,

I know this is the lamest way to ask but,

Will you be my girlfriend?

If your answer is yes, please meet me in the hallway outside the gym after the match.

- Jace

She read the note and a smile crept onto her lips. She knew what her answer is going to be.

Then, she went to meet Jade and Owen sitting in the audience.

"Hey, where were you?" Jade asked as she sat down beside her.

"Nowhere" Charlotte just shrugged and turned her attention to the court.

"Aren't you gonna introduce me Owen?" the girl sitting beside him asked.

"Oh yeah, Charlotte?" he called her.

"Hmmm?" Charlotte turned to face him.

"This is Daniella, my girlfriend" he introduced.

"Oh hi, I am Charlotte" she shook hands with the girl.

"I know, you are Jace's new girlfriend right?" she asked and Charlotte just smiled.


The match started and the opposite team was scoring points but after half time, the home team started scoring more goals, and finally, they were tied. Jack scored the winning goal and the stadium erupted in applause.

Charlotte saw Jace leaving the court and began to head towards the hallway urgently. When she came outside, she bumped into someone and they spilled their drink all over Charlotte's shirt.

"Oh, I am so sorry, I didn't see" the girl apologized.

"It's okay" Charlotte smiled politely.

"Here, let me help you," she said and took Charlotte to the girls' bathroom and helped her get the stains off her shirt.

"I am so so sorry, I really am" she apologized sincerely.

"It's okay, don't worry"

"By the way, my name is Maeve" she introduced herself.


"Do you go to this school?" Charlotte asked since she hasn't seen her before.

"Yeah but I have been in Milan the past few months" she replied.

"oh, okay, why are you here now?" Charlotte asked.

"I came back to the US two days ago and I wanted to wish good luck to my boyfriend for today's match"

"That's nice of you"

"Yeah, he is so sweet and I love him a lot"

"So, I guess you should go meet him then, the match's over" Charlotte informed her.

"Yeah, I guess I should and I am so sorry once again," Maeve said before leaving.

Charlotte cleaned herself up before heading to the hallway to meet Jace. She was excited to meet him. She stopped dead in her tracks shocked and hurt when she saw Jace and Meave kissing. Tears rolled down her eyes.

She should've known that it was too good to be true. He was a player after all and what hurt the most was that she has actually started to develop feelings for him. She realized that all guys are the same and it was foolish for her to trust him only to get her heart broken the exact same way for the second time in her life. She immediately ran out of the school and took a bus home.

A/N: To be continued...

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