Charlotte's Sweet 16!

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Charlotte stretched her limbs and slowly opened her eyes.

"Morning Angel," Jace said in a raspy morning voice.

"Hey" Charlotte smiled.

She had to admit, Jace was looking so sexy with his messy hair covering a part of his eyes.

"Happy birthday angel" he kissed her forehead.

"Thank you baby"

He started leaning down to kiss her and she raised herself meeting him halfway when he wrapped his arms around her pulling her close to him. He deepened the kiss with their tongues twirling in sync. His hands traveled underneath her shirt but she pulled back immediately, "My parents are gonna come any second now" she warned him.


"So, they won't be happy to find out that my boyfriend spent the night in my room"

"But all we did was cuddle" he argued.

"Yeah, good luck explaining that to my dad when he puts a gun to your head" Jace rolled his eyes.

"Way to kill the mood, Angel," he said getting out of the bed and putting on his clothes.

"Hey, did you know how hard it was for me to convince my parents that I slept in Glory's room that night? My dad's been super suspicious after that day" she retorted.

"Yeah, sorry about that angel but let me make it up to you" he climbed back on the bed and descended his lips onto hers, dominating the kiss.

"What's wrong baby?" she asked when he abruptly pulled away.

"Shhh" he put his finger on her lips to shush her and that was when she heard the footsteps right outside her door.

"Oh shit, get out, now" she whisper-yelled at Jace.

He got up and snuck out her window and jogged back to his house. After he was safely inside his room, Charlotte took a deep breath and opened the door with a smile.

"Happy Birthday sweety"

"Happy birthday angel"

"Thanks, mom, thanks dad" she hugged them.

"Get dressed and meet us downstairs for breakfast sweety," her mom said.

After she left, "Okay angel, we want to throw you a party tonight and you can invite all your friends" he informed her, stressing the word "friends" making Charlotte roll her eyes.


"I know, I know but you are my little angel"

"And I will always be your little angel dad" she gave him a big hug.

After that, Charlotte got dressed and had breakfast. The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" Mr. Page opened the door.

"Morning Mr. Page" Jace wished him with a wide smile.

"Oh, hi Jace, come on in" Will smiled politely even though he is still very skeptical about his daughter dating him.

"Happy birthday Charlotte" 

"Thanks, Jace"

"Shall we?" Jace asked picking up her bag.

"yes, bye mom, bye dad," she said heading out the door.

"Stay safe angel" Mr. Page called to her.

"Kay" Charlotte hollered back.

Once outside, Jace took Charlotte's hand and walked to his car but instead of getting in the car, he took her inside his house and straight to his room.

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