Two Broken Hearts...

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They won the tournament and finally, it was time for Jace to get his answer from his angel. When the team was celebrating on the court, he left through the back door and went to the hallway. He waited for Charlotte for about 10 minutes before deciding to call her.

"Maybe she got stuck in the crowd or something," he thought.

As he was about press the call button, someone hugged him from behind. Jace beamed with excitement.

"Aww, love you so much angel," he said wrapping his hands over the person's hands and realized that it wasn't Charlotte.

He immediately turned around to see who it was, only to find Maeve standing there with a huge smile on her face.

"I love you too baby," she said crashing her lips onto his suddenly. Jace was frozen in his spot and his eyes grew wide in shock not knowing what was happening. A couple of seconds later, he gathered himself and pushed her away.

"What are you doing?" he yelled at her.

"What? I'm kissing my boyfriend" she replied trying to kiss him again but this time he took a step back holding up his hand stopping her.

"What? No, I am not your boyfriend. We broke up, remember?" Jace reminded her.

"No, I said we should see other people but I never said we should break up baby"

Jace blew out, "look, Maeve, I don't know what twisted shit you are trying to pull here but I am actually in love with someone else. So, please just leave me alone," he said and took out his phone to call Charlotte. It went straight to her voice mail.

"But I love you," Maeve said trying to hug him and he pushed her back again.

"geez Meave, why won't you understand?" he asked frustrated.

Just then, Josh came running, "Yo Jace, Coach's asking for you" 

"Yeah, I am coming" he left without giving her a second glance.

After the presentation ceremony, Jace decided to ask Jade about Charlotte's whereabouts and she informed him that Charlotte left right after the match. So, Jace decided to go to her house and talk to her.

While driving home his mind raced with all the possibilities of why Charlotte didn't show up to meet him. 

Did she have some kind of emergency that she had to leave?"

"Maybe she doesn't want to be more than just friends?"

"or maybe she feels that I am not good enough for her?"

When he finally reached home, he went straight to Charlotte's house and knocked on the door.

Mrs. Page opened the door, "Hi Jace" she gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Hey Mrs. Page, is Charlotte home?" he asked her.

"Uhmm...." Kerry hesitated for a moment before he heard Charlotte's voice from behind.

"Tell him to leave mom, I don't wanna talk to him or see his face" Jace could hear that she has been crying.

"Angel, are you crying? What happened?" he asked entering into the house.

"Mom, ask him to leave right now" her face was filled with pure disgust.

"Charlotte, what happened? Please tell me" 

"What are you doing here Mr. Norman? Aren't you supposed to be with your girlfriend?" she asked sarcastically.


"Don't act smart Norman, guess what, you got busted, so you can stop your little act here"

"angel, what are you talking about?"

"You know what....." she got interrupted by her phone pinging indicating that she got a notification. She opened it and fresh tears rolled down her eyes.

"Angel, don't cry" Jace took a step towards her but she moved two steps back.

"Please angel, tell me what I did wrong?" he begged her.

"This is what you did wrong Norman" she showed him the latest news article on the school website. It was a picture of Maeve kissing Jace in the hallway earlier. Jace's eyes grew wide in shock and that was when he understood what this was all about.

"Angel, I can explain" 

"Just shut up Norman, you think I am that naive to fall for your stupid tricks?" 


"I hope you and Maeve have a nice life," she said and began to head upstairs.

"Angel, wait, please, let me explain...." Jace grabbed her hand preventing her from walking away.

"Let go of my hand Norman," she said with gritted teeth.

"Please angel, I love you so much" 

Charlotte gave him a dry chuckle, "love? You don't even know the meaning of love you two-timing jerk" she said and yanked her hand out of his grip but he grabbed it again.

"Please, angel, I will do anything for you, just please listen to me" he begged desperately.

Charlotte closed her eyes and blew out.

"I wanna use my two wishes" 

"What?" Jace asked confused.

"The wishes you said I could use" she reminded him.

"Yes, I mean sure angel, anything you want" Jace smiled with a glimmer of hope.

"Okay, One, I want you to leave me the hell alone and two, never ever call me angel, ever again" she yelled at him and ran to her room with Jace standing there shocked and hurt beyond words.

After a minute, he came out of his shock and left her house without saying a word. When he entered his house, "Surprise" Glory and Xander yelled happily jumping from behind the couch.

"Jace? what's wrong?" Glory asked seeing the tears in his eyes.

Jace headed upstairs without answering her. Glory and Xander looked at each other worried. Glory went up to his room and knocked on the door. He didn't respond but she went in anyway.

"Jace, what's wrong?" she asked sitting beside him on the bed.

"You are right about me Glory, I am just like him." He broke down crying.

"What? No, Jace, you are not like him. Why would you say that?"

"Charlotte doesn't wanna talk to me anymore"

"Why? What happened?"

Jace explained to Glory what happened.

"Jace, it wasn't your mistake Maeve kissed you. You should tell that to Charlotte" 

"Too late Glory, she hates me. It is my mistake and now I have to endure the consequences."

"Jace, no, don't do this to yourself" Glory pleaded him.

"No Glory, this is my life and I have to accept it. I thought she was the one for me but I guess, everyone that I love leaves me sooner or later" Glory hugged him tightly.

"Don't say like that Jace, none of it was your fault."

"No Glory, it was my fault, I was supposed to be there that morning but I wasn't."

"Jace, please...." Glory rubbed his back comforting him.

"I miss her so much Glory" he cried into her shoulder.

"I miss her too Jace but there's nothing we can do about it" Glory let a few tears fall from her eyes.

"And now I lost Charlotte too" he cried even more.

Glory consoled him until he drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Looks like Charlotte despises Jace now and both of them are heartbroken. Will they resolve their issues. What will it take for Charlotte to trust Jace again?

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