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"Yes sir, I understand. I'll talk to her" Ronald spoke into the phone.

"He's doing okay sir. He's still on ventilators but the doctors say his vitals are stable"

"Thank you, sir, I'll call you tomorrow" Ron hung up the call and sighed deeply.

He then went back to the ICU to see his wife and daughter-in-law sitting on either of the bed looking at his son. Seeing his son laying almost lifeless brought tears in his eyes.

Bella turned to see him as she gave him a weak smile. He returned the smile and signaled her to come outside.

A few minutes later, "What is it, honey?" Bella inquired as she dried her tears with a tissue.

"He's not talking, Bella. They need you to interrogate him" Ronald informed her.

Bella shook her head, "No Ronald, I can't! Not when my son is like this" she said firmly.

"Bella, you can't do that! It's been three days! This is your job Bella! Our jobs!" Ronald said sternly.

"You don't understand Ron, how do you expect me to leave my son in this condition and go interrogate some scumbag that tried to take my baby away from me!?" Bella retorted angrily.

"Bella, you're the best interrogation expert in the team and they need you......."

"I can't Ron. I just can't!" Bella said with finality.

"Bella, this isn't a request. It's an order!" Ronald used his authoritative voice earning a death stare from his wife.

"Please honey, I know he tried to kill our son and all but....." Ron tried to convince her.

"You don't get it, Ron, he's Glory's ex!" Bella said interrupting him.

"What!?" Ronald tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes Ron, he's Hayley's father!" Bella said as she recited everything that happened at the warehouse.

After hearing everything, Ronald nodded, "I get it Bella but that monster killed that poor girl and tried to kill our daughter-in-law! That is all the more reason to put him away for good" he argued.

Bella nodded agreeing, "Okay but let me just talk to Glory first," she said.

"Okay," Ron said understanding.


Jace slowly opened his eyes blinking a few times as he tried to adjust his blurry vision. He looked around the room staring at the white walls in puzzlement.

"Where am I? Am I dead? Is this heaven?" he thought to himself before he heard voices beside him.

"Oh thank god baby, you're okay!" Lena shrieked happily.

"Mom?" Jace said unsure, thinking if this was just a dream.

"Yes baby, I'm so happy you're finally awake!" Lena exclaimed elated.

Jace smiled weakly as Lena stroked his hair lovingly.

"Son, you're okay!" Jack said taking out his phone to inform the same to the others.

"Hi dad," Jace said in a low voice.

"We missed you, baby," Lena said kissing her son's forehead.

"Nicole!" Jace said remembering everything that happened.

"Who?" Lena asked in confusion.

"Nicole, mom. Where is she!? Is she okay!?" Jace inquired frantically trying to sit up, on the bed.

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