Moving Forward

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After eight months have passed. I was finally release, my brother, Marcus picked me up at front.

"What's up, bro?" I said with a smile on my face. 

"I see you grew a mustache." Marcus said.

"Yep, I officially look like a man, now." I said.

"You look like a 30 year old." Marcus said.

"Man, shut up." I chuckled as Marcus drives off.

I went back to the house, where my mom fixed me a nice hot meal.

"I'm going to New York, me and Alexander got more business to discuss." I told my mother while I was eating.

"You know you're on probation, right?" she reminded me.

"I know, ma. Alexander and I got some unfinished business to talk about." I said.

I went upstairs to look on my computer, I saw that social media was talking about me that I was release. I went to Soundcloud and found out that my song, "Check Me Out" has 8 million listeners. I was like, "Damn. I never had that many viewers before." Liam, Peanut and Stanley came by, I haven't seen them in like forever." I made them listen to my track, "Check Me Out" and they loved it. We were jamming so hard in our rooms. I flew to New York to talk to Alexander at Def Jam Headquarters. I walked in with a black suit on and shades on. I had a blunt in my hand too.

"I mean it's a song for him to release music. People haven't forgot about the murder charges." Alexander said.

"They'll die down." I said smoking a joint.

"He wants to be a Headliner at music festival and release new albums. He needs a fresh start." Paul said but I stop him for a minute.

"You can talk to me. I'm standing right here." I said.

"What's with the black, Mr. Cawthron?" Paul said.

"Look's like you're going to a funeral." Alexander said.

"Maybe I am." I said while puffing out my blunt.

"Everybody still talking about the incident, Ly. It's gonna take sometime for the media to die down." Alexander said.

I walk up to him, took off my glasses and Paul said, "I know you're trying to ignore the negativity and backlash, it's just not the right time. That's my compromise."

"Few weeks from now on, I'll be doing an interview with Elevator. Listen to this track that I recorded before I was locked up. Don't like it, fine." I told Paul as I walked out of the meeting.

I've been offered $8.5 million to sign to 300 Entertainment Records, but I declined. I was getting ready to do an interview with Elevator and Liam came along too.

"Okay, we are rolling." said the camera man.

"This is Maxx Misfit." I introduce myself.

"And this Lil Dee." Liam said.

"I also have a big dick and you are watching Elevator." I said while smoking a blunt.

"So, you guys have known each other and been with each other how long?" the interviewer asked.

"Oh we've been everywhere and we known each other since juvie." Liam said.

"Yeah." I said.

"My parents kicked me out, basically, but fuck it we're just trying to run it up." Liam said.

"Yeah, once we met we decided to rap together type shit." I said

"Shit was rough, bro, But sometimes parents can be fuck niggas." Liam laughed.

"My mom didn't kicked me out, though." I chuckled.

"We just flexing on them, though." Liam said.

"I don't go no muscle. I'm skinny as fuck. Oh shit there's a bee. Uh oh. Back up. Let's get out of his way." I said as me and Liam move to another section for our interview.

"Alright, let's get back to it." I said as I smoke another blunt.

"Okay, what was growing up in Delkab County?" said the interviewer.

"Well, me and mom use to live on the white side of Lawrenceville, until she had money problems. So we moved back to my grandmother's who lives in Delkab. She lived in the hood. My half brother, Marcus showed me around the neighborhood and how to survive. I used to get kicked out of most of the schools in that area. I also get in a lot of trouble just like most of the kids in Delkab. My mom and grandma had to send me to these programs for trouble kids, but that didn't help." I said as I pass the blunt to Liam.

"Yeah, I was caught smoking weed in school and getting in to some fights , too. I got expelled. I was stealing weed and I got sent to the detention center. My mom kicked me out. Like she couldn't deal with it anymore." Liam said.

"So, Maxx, how do you describe your music?" the interviewer said.

"As far as my music. I'll try to mention multiple aspect into it so, i'll go from like melancholy indie, sound of rock to a trap element to heavy metal to like old school shit. I try to do everything type shit you know, it's just all versatile." I said.

"We're all versatile." Liam said.

"How important is persona in music?" the interviewer asked me.

"People have these fake personas they have a real like... like I try to get into character persona.  I mean I can go from a 'reckless not giving a fuck' type of person to a 'emo, heartbroken, scarce with my words and a meaning a lot'. Persona is like very thing to me, because without a persona who am I?" I said.

"Now Maxx, I want to talk about what happened that night, your murdering case and why did you kill the guy?" the interviewer said.

"That night, I was thinking straight, I could've handle that situation differently and I wish I could go back and time, but I can't. I was angry, had no control and I just lost it People are seeing me as this killer in the spotlight. At first I thought I was going away for life in prison, but I was surprise that I wasn't gonna be put away for a long time. I hope the guys family forgive me." I said.

"What do you have to say to the haters?" the interviewers said.

"I definitely like... people hate, but I have more support than hate on and all honestly now. I don't mean to sound like an asshole and I say. It's literally because I do what people don't want me to say or do. Nobody will go on Twitter and be reckless to say, 'I fuck you up, nigga.' or some shit. They're gonna be worried about their charges or their parents, but I really don't give a fuck and I'm gonna speak for people who can't speak for you. So that's what I'm trying to do." I said.

"Do you think your career will still be going forward after the murder charges?" the interviewer said.

"Well, it's important to not let the past get to you. I'm still a real person. I still have emotions. I still get out of character, the bit like getting into character. Most celebrities still have careers after a scandal or an incident. People try to tear Michael Jackson down when he was accused of touching little kids and he still had a career and a legacy. They try to tear down Tupac, but that nigga kept on going. Why would you think I won't be having a career anymore." I said.

Three months later, I performed at the SXSW Festival in Austin, Austin. I brought the Wreck-It Crew with me. I got on stage and perform my track, "Check Me Out" and the whole crowd were hype and start a moshpit. It was good to be performing again.

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