The Story of Atlas Martyn

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One month ago, I got another face tattoo with a cupid arrow on the right side and a broken hart on the left side. I clean my old mask and start putting designs on it. I put the number 25 on top of the forehead. I also put "Love Kills" under the eyes and my "Leave Me Alone" tattoo on it. Then I put the mask on, I became a different person. I walked out of my house.

"Ly, Ly! Where are you going? Is that boy wearing a mask." Katherine said.

I flew a jet to New York at Def Jam Headquarters for ideas for my next album. I walked in the building with my mask on. People where looking at me, "who is this?"

I open the door in Alexander office. 

"Hey, who the hell are you?" Alexander questioned.

"Alex, chill, man. It's me." I said as I raised my mask up.

"Oh, Ly. What's with the mask?" he said.

"It's my new persona, Atlas Martyn." I said.

"Who is Atlas Martyn?" Paul said as he open the door.

"Sit down and I'll tell you who he is." I said.

Two months later, I released a promo single and a video for my upcoming album, called, "Bye, Bye, Sue." I dyed my dreads fully yellow for the video and still had my masked on. The music video featured androgynous dancers from a Cirque du Soleil shows. The song is very psychedelic hip hop which no one has ever done and lyrics are very risqué. It starts off slow and then get goes acoustic rap. It goes, "I should've told you, that you're my true love. I know you're high. I'll fuck you all night. I want you naked right now cause I'm numb by looking at it." While the hook changes the transition, "Bye, bye sue. She turns me on. Bye, bye, sun. Don't get me wrong." 2x. While filming the music video. Liam, Alexander, Peanut and Cody were at shooting.

"Is this nigga for real about this?" Liam whisper to Peanut.

"I don't know, I mean he said he wanted to do something different and this is it." Peanut whispered.

"Well he wasn't lying." Cody whispered.

"No, shit sherlock." Peanut said.

"Guys, can you keep it down." Alexander said.

Months later, I finished recording my second album. I put a new track list with fifteen songs, except for the song, "Bye, bye sue." No features, but just me. On social media, I posted, "My Sophomore Album #TheStoryofAtlasMartyn drops 10/21... it took me months to complete and I can't wait for all of you to hear it. It's a new chapter and a new story about my alter ego. Thanks for riding with me." I post the artwork cover for my new album, it was like comic style with me in my black and white mask in the soaking rain standing next to club. On October 21st, The Story of Atlas Martyn was released. I went to Twitter to see the positive feedback from my fans. Some tweets I saw from haters tweeting, "How can someone support a murderer?" and "Stop giving this dude your money. He don't deserve the fame or the attention." But I had to ignore the haters. I went to Best Buy stores in New York, Atlanta and Compton to do CD signings. I even see a little kid with the exact same mask and I thought I would take a selfie with him. A female fan ask me to sign on her left breast. All female fans screamed, "We loved you Maxx!!" 

"I love y'all too!!" I said with a smiled.

I went on my first live tv interview and performance with Arsenio Hall. Arsenio came into my dressing room and said, "Hey, Maxx, we'll be ready for you in a minute, man."

"Oh, Arsenio. One small thing. When you bring me out, can you introduce me as Atlas Martyn?" I asked.

Arsenio looked at his producers and looked at me and said, "Yeah sure."

Arsenio was back on air and he introduce me out, "Okay, my next guest is the most talked about new rapper, he just released his new album and don't be frightened by his mask. Here's Maxx Misfit also known as Atlas Martyn.

 I walked out with my mask on He introduced me to the audience, asked me to have a seat and I sat down on the steps and Arsenio next to me.

"Okay let's sit down here then." Arsenio said as he asked me question about where I grew up, my lifestyle, my music and the haters. He also asked me the story of my persona.

"So, listen, your album is called, "The Story of Atlas Martyn. What is this story of this character on  the album and this appearance of yours." he asked.

"Atlas Martyn is my persona, a mutant outcast rapper who acts as a messenger from other outcasts who wants to fit in. My character was influenced by the band Slipknot." I explained.

"And you're the next musician that has persona. First David Bowie had many persona, Bono and Nicki Minaj. So what's next for you?" Arsenio asked.

"I also think about going to fashion." I said to Arsenio

After the interview, I performed one of my songs off the album, "Diamond Man." It's a mellow rap about Atlas bringing an angel a message of hope to Earth's youth through music. I brought out a guitar to perform the song. I went on Jimmy Fallon to perform another song, called, "Genie" which is my next single. I filmed the music with fans mosh pitting around me. My album went #3 on Billboard charts and 10,000,000 streams on Spotify. I did an interview for GQ where I did photoshoots an interview, and a ten things I can live without video. Some of the comments on Instagram were a messing. Seeing a nigga in some dresses and a headscarf. I talked to Liam and see how he's doing. I've been reading reviews and most of them came out positive. The album was well received by the critics. I decided to my a acoustic version of Earth KIA and new version for the video. The shoot took place in a studio where I was playing a guitar. I'm surprise I still got it since I haven't played it in a long time.

"Yo, what's up, man?" I said to Liam on the phone.

"I'm actually in the studio. Working hard on the mixtape. Shit going to be crazy like a movie." Liam said.

"I can't wait to hear it, man." I said.

"Yeah, I'll call you back. I gotta hit this booth, man." Liam said.

"Alright, talk to you later." I said as I hang up the phone.

I went to get a tattoo labelled, "Grass Ain't Greener" on my chest. I've been hearing my songs on the radio, knowing that my fans request the radios to play them. I planned on tour again, called "Atlas Martyn Tour." in couple months in next year with 28 tour dates, including international dates. Skullboy and Def Jam new artist, Tommy Benfernd. 

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