Static Shock

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It was premiere day, and I went with a group of kids from the Boys and Girls club on the bus who had Static masks. I took a picture with the cast as we both walked inside at the Westwood Village. All the actors, celebrities and critics sat down as the movie was about to start. The Warner Bros/Warner Animation Group, DC, and Rat-Pac Entertainment logos came on. The opening segment shows DC heroes such as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash and Aquaman being popular and saving people's lives. The movie then shows teenager Virgil Hawkins struggling to live up to his expectations of his father, social worker Robert Hawkins, who sees rappers as bad influences and Superman as a menace. His older sister, Sharon Hawkins, who is dating a rapper, Adam Evans.

"These rappers, they're a bunch of menace. Their music teaches kids to disrespect their parents." Robert said in the movie, as he was driving Virgil to school.

"Some rap is positive, dad." I said as Virgil in the movie.

"Their was... but now it's all garbage. It tells kids to rob a bank and stealing money from their parents."Robert said.

"Well, Adam is a pretty decent guy." Virgil said.

"He went to jail. No daughter of mine was gonna go out with some thug." Robert said.

"And she gave you the silent treatment for two week straight." Virgil said, as him and Robert saw a news of Superman, which Robert disapproves of also.

"Superman. This guy flies by once a day in his red cape and answers to no one." Robert said.

"Yeah, dad." Virgil said sarcastically. 

Virgil was dropped off to school by his dad and gave him an embarrassing, "I love you" goodbye in front of the school. Virgil walks inside the hallways with his best friend, Ritchie who gave him some tips on asking out Frieda Goren to dance. As he works his way to the subject, though, he runs afoul of Francis, the school bully, and nearly received a school beating, but was saved by the principal. After school, Virgil went to Adams apartment, to have a chat. 

"So, how's your sister, man?" Adam asked.

"Ehh, she doing okay. Why not ask her?" Virgil said.

"I would, but you know your pops don't like me." Adam said.

"So, every father don't like their daughter's boyfriend. Anyway, when your new music coming out?" Virgil asked.

"You know, Virg. Things aren't too good at my record label. I'm trying to fight this guy who stole my music." Adam said.

"Well, I hope you fight back to get the rights for your songs." Virgil said.

"Thanks, man. Say you wanna go this abandoned subway? You can show off your talent." Adam said.

"Yeah." Virgil said as they both went to the subway station to point graffiti.

After leaving the station, Virgil runs into Francis again, flanked by his friends, and soon finds himself cornered in the back of the alley. Francis was pounding him mercilessly, only stopping when Wade, a classmate of Virgil came by. Wade told Virgil about this hangout that Francis and his bullies would go. Virgil met Wade and his group to beat up Francis and his crew. Virgil, well aware of the dangers of joining a gang. Superman and police helicopters arrive. Everybody scattered, a canister of tear gas is fired down. Next to the canisters, an explosion and the release of purple clouds. Virgil breathes it in begins to cough and then exhibiting strange reactions. Virgil  escapes and went straight home. The next morning Virgil starts gaining electric powers. Virgil returns to the hideout from last night, realizing that he saw Adams there too. He went to his apartment,  but he was gone. He soon discovered a particle accelerator called "The Super Collider" build by Lex Luthor, who wants to access parallel universes. Virgil notices Superman has arrived and attempting to disable the collider while fighting Lex's enforcer, Doomsday. Superman saves Virgil and Doomsday shoves Superman into the collider and causes an explosion that nearly kills him. Wounded, Superman gives Virgil a USB drive that will disable the accelerator and warns the machine could destroy the city if it reactivated. Virgil watches in horror as Lex uses Doomsday to kill Superman, before fleeing. At home, Virgil heard the news that Superman has died. The whole city was mourning his death and I went to his memorial a red cape. Lois Lane, Clark wife gave out an emotional speech.

"I always thought Clark Kent was an ordinary person, he said it could've been anyone wearing the cape. Before that he was just a kid on a farm to get big. He didn't ask for his powers, he was born with it and he chose to be Superman. My father thing about Clark, that he made us feel power. We all have powers to one kind of another. But in our own way, we are all Superman and we're all counting on you." Lois Lane said.

"They're counting on me." Virgil said to himself.

Virgil tries out his newfound abilities in a Superman cape. He even told Ritchie about his new powers and try out for a new costume. Virgil has been stopping robbers and criminals, but he's about to assume the worst. At the hospital several of the gang members exposed at the gas continued to mutate with vary different ways, especially Adams who was there. Francis who has fire power escapes from the hospital and refer himself has "Hotstreak." All the mutant gang members, including Adams who has rubber power and can change his body shape and sizes. They're all refer to themselves as "Bang Babies" Virgil has encounter with Francis and has stop him with is electric powers. While spying at Lex Corps, Virgil finds out that Lex is planning on reactivating the accelerator. While flying out, Virgil he's a young man wearing purple elastic outfit (not knowing he's Adam) while trying to kill a record producer. Virgil stops him and the two of them got into a fight. Adam tells Virgil he ain't got no beef with him, but he's trying to save the producer not knowing he sabotage Adams career. The police sirens came and Adam bounces away. The police step out of the car and told Virgil to show them his hands. I raised my hands and flees away as I follow the purple man at his apartment realizing he's Adam. At home, Virgil gave Ritchie the USB drive that Superman gave him, that's now cracked, he fix it and Sharon walks in and found out that I'm the electric vigilante. Ritchie has fixed the drive, however, he is followed by Lex Luthor, Doomsday, Hotstreak and Adams who just trying to protect Sharon. This starts leading to a brawl. Virgil electrocute blast Hotstreak out of the house. Virgil flees, but is capture by Adam and unmasked himself. Unwilling to hurt Virgil, he tells him that the producer was the man who sabotage his career and plagiarize his music and wants to get revenge. Virgil tells him that killing isn't the way and he tells him that if he wants his approval from his father, he was to show him a how change man he is. Adams agree. Virgil tells him that Superman gave him USB that will shut down the accelerator if I don't everybody will die. Adams tell me to go on and be the Superman that I need to be. At the school dance, Lex Luthor, Hotstreak and Doomsday crashed the dance. Virgil masters his powers and goes to the dance and stop Hotstreak who tries to kidnapped Frieda, but I defeated him with my powers. Virgil saves Frieda and the students at the dance, as Frieda gave me a kiss on the cheeks. He realizes that Lex as the USB drive and actives the accelerator. Lex and Virgil fights throughout the collider. Lex has a body armor that can make him stronger and nearly kills Virgil. He see's his father knowing that's it his son when his mask is taken off. He encourage him to stand up and fight. Virgil electrocute Lex in his armor, paralyzes him and throws him at the kill switch, destroying the collider. Then all of a sudden, Superman was alive, telling him that his electricity power from the accelerator made him come back to life and said that he's the hero that the town needs. Lex and Hotstreak have both been arrested and Doomsday has been containmated at the lab. Superman has return to his life and his wife Lois. Robert has accepted Adam and Sharon relationship as Adam shown him that he's a changed man and now undergoes as a hero named, The Rubberband Man. Virgil embraces the responsibilities of his new life at school and as a superhero, known as Static Shock. At the post end credits shows the new villain, Ebon. The movie ends as it got a standing ovation and everybody loves it, especially the critics. The movie praised for its animation, character, story, voice acting and the soundtrack. It grossed $375 million dollars against $90 million budget.

Rappers such as, Snoop Dogg, Lil Yachty and Big Sean held special free screenings for Static Shock for kids and teenagers.

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