• Sebastian V •

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I was sat in my brothers garage watching as the mechanics began prancing around the car with all their fancy tools I had no clue about, my brother soon hopped out of the car and made his way over to me, he waved a hand in my face to grab my attention, after giving him an annoyed pat on the arm I laughed,

"Well little Maxamus that was a nice little job you did out there."

Mocking my younger brother with a grin; he shook his head but laughed,

"It was okay, and stop calling me Maxamus!"

He fake glared at me before breaking into a smile,

"What are you going to do before Quali?"

He muttered, taking a sip from a glaringly branded redbull bottle,

"I don't know, I might look about the hospitality's a bit."
I went red and looked down, trying to distract myself by my phone before a new text pinged through :

SV: Come round to my box, I want to see that pretty dress I saw you in at the end of the pit lane.

"Who's that?"

Max questioned as I quickly slid the notification away and placed my phone on the desk behind me.

"Nobody, look I'm gonna go and look around see you later."

With that I grabbed my jacket, bag and phone and made my way to meet Sebastian.


I lay on the sofa of Seb's pre race room whilst he sat on a chair and watched me with a grin.

"What?" I lazily sighed in content as he walked his way over and sat on the floor, his back against my shoulder,

"Nothing just you look nice today Liebe." He said softly with a hint of shyness,

"Are you checking me out Sebestian Vettel?"

I gasped in fake shock as he laughed and dragged my hand off the sofa and placed a delicate kiss on my knuckles,

"Did u get the text I sent you about the dinner reservation?"

He asked, standing up and pulling me up and off the sofa as he did so. I shook my head and grabbed my phone, turning it on expecting to see the supposed text but all I got was a picture of a jet ski in Monaco harbour... all I got was the lock screen of the phone belonging to Max which meant...


I spat out, turning to Seb who looked a little shocked to say the least by my outburst,

"What, do you not like the restaurant because if not I can change it liebe?"

He questioned, walking over and placing his hands on my hips.

"No, no Seb I'm sure the place is lovely it's just I've got Max's phone which means he has mine so he might have seen the text, what did you text?"

I answered in a reassuring voice to not upset him about dinner put had to emphasise the issue over the text all at once and poor Sebastian had a look of such confusion. However this look of confusion quickly turned to a sheepish one which was helped by the now bright redness of his cheeks. My heart sunk as Sebastian turned the phone to me,

Do you want to go to dinner tonight? I'm sure your brother wouldn't mind, I know I wouldn't mind having you all night without little "Maxamus" .

There was a knock on the door, Seb sighed and opened it to reveal an embarrassed looking Charles and a very angry Max.

"You told him!" Gasped Seb, pointing angrily at Charles,

"You told Charles!" I stated angrily at Sebastian, also pointing an accusing finger.

"You two are together!" Max bellowed, finally causing us all to shut our mouths and look at him

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"You two are together!" Max bellowed, finally causing us all to shut our mouths and look at him.

"Charles you can leave seeing as you've been the only helpful person in this situation." Max muttered,

"Oh... okay." Charles simply said and with that walked off, no doubt in utter confusion the poor boy.

"You're together." Max snarled, stepping into the room and shutting the door,

"Yes." Said Sebastian with a light air of pride that put a smile on my face and a warm feeling to my heart.

Max flicked his eyes to Sebastian than me then back to Seb,

"Max please, I'm happy, really happy and I-"

I began to plead with Max to let this be okay, I was his older sister after all, surely he wanted me to be happy?

"It's fine I guess, or...whatever I don't know but you're happy?" He questioned,

I nodded, walking to Sebastian and placing my hand in his.

"Treat her well Vettel or we can have another game of ping pong on the track!" Max threatened but relaxed into a smile.

After Max had left I sat next to Seb on the couch, his arm wrapped around my shoulders as my head rested on his chest.

"So just time to tell your Dad now." Seb smirked as he pressed a deep kiss on my lips.

I giggled and kiss back... like I said to Max, I truly was happy...

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