• Alex A •

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Coming to a race with a cold was not the best idea in the world I must admit. My head was hammering, my eyes were watering and my nose was running. The roar of the engines and the surprising cold Austin weather did not at all help my illness and as Alex was extremely busy with either media duties or actual driving I was reduced to sitting in the back of the corner as a shivering mess. Every time Alex came into the garage he gave me his usual adorable smile, a tight hug and a light kiss on the head before whipping out of the garage again. It was about halfway through free practice two and I felt the room slowly start to tilt as my head seemed to slip away from my body. I managed to stand up slowly and inch my way to Alex drivers room where I let myself in and lay down on the couch under his red bull jacket with a pair of his racing gloves on in the hopes to generate warmth in my body. The room felt like the sea, lurching and twisting in every way as I shut my eyes tightly and gripped his jacket closely to my body. It actually worked slightly as the strange motions that had taken over my body had reduced and sleep slowly took over.


"Hey, y/n love, you need to wake up."

My eyes fluttered open to see a concerned looking Alex who was lightly pressing the back of his hand to my head and combing my hair back behind my ears.

"Practice is over, I've got some media stuff but then we can go back to the hotel, are you feeling okay?"

I nodded and sat up, causing the jacket to fall off my shoulders which immediately caused my entire body to be crashed down upon by a wave of icy air. Alex immediately noticed my new goosebumps and grabbed my shoulder delicately and muttered quietly,

"Hang on just a second." He began to rummage around in all the drawers in the room before pulling out a grey and red blanket with a pair of redbull official winter gloves.

He gently pulled his spare racing gloves off my hands with a sweet smile,

"Hey, I was so cold anything would help!" I giggled,

"They're too big for you by like five sizes!" He placed his giant like hand in the air and put my own up against it, the tops of my fingers reaching about halfway up his own. He shook his head laughing and slipped on the new found gloves softly before wrapping the blanket into a ball and tucking it under his arm.

"You can wait in the car with the heater on, the media session should only last a little bit before we can leave." He stood up to which I pouted and said,

"Come here I want a cuddle."

He laughed and lightly pulled me into his lap, resting his chin on top of my head and slowly began to sway me side to side on his legs, every now and then placing warm kisses on my face and neck. He tightened his arms around me and pulled closer to his chest as he dropped his head against my shoulder.

"Gosh you're needy when you're ill."


"I'm joking, anyway lets get going!"

With that he pulled me up and led me out the back to the car park and opened the door for me which I thanked him for before getting in the seat, taking the blanket he handed me and putting it over my legs with a smile due to his constant love and affection.

"You'll be alright won't you?"

"Yeah I'm feeling okay,"

"Good, and at the room we'll just order room service, you can have a bath and even wear my top as pyjamas if you want. I know you like that!" He smirked,

"Thanks Alex."

He gave me a quick peck on the nose before jogging off into the paddock, not before turning round and sending me a small wave though.

God, the things this boy does for me...

F1, F2 & F3 : FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now