• Mick S • (2)

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"You may now kiss the bride."

Mick didn't need telling twice as he gently placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closely to his body landing a deep but gentle kiss on my lips. Our guests cheered and cooed and my Mum held Micks mum, both with tears swelling in their eyes. Mick pulled away, a bright grin on his face as his eyes twinkled with pure joy.

"I love you y/n Schumacher." He beamed, I couldn't properly function any speech so just grinned madly at him. He took my hand and led me back down the aisle, both grinning at our friends and family who had all made it today.


After the food, and some quite embarrassing moments brought up in the speeches by the maid of honour and best man it was time for mine and Micks first dance. He held my hand and slowly led me to the floor, before pulling me tightly into his body and placing a hand onto my hip and intertwining his other hand into mine and placing them onto his chest. I looked up into his eyes to see he was already staring down at me with the brightest smile I had ever seen on his face. The song we had chosen slowly began to call out to us in the room, he slowly stepped to side to side, gently swaying me as he did so. I felt his heart beating rapidly against my chest and I look up to him with a confused look,

"What's wrong?" I whispered,

"Nothing at all Liebe... apart from the fact I can't dance." He smirked with a small hint of mischief.

"Mick Schumacher! You told me you would practice!" I gasped, lightly hitting my new husband on the arm.

He giggled and continued to slowly sway me, staring into my eyes with pure joy. I sighed contently and lay me head onto his chest and into the crook of his neck. Our guests gushed and I heard the clicking of phones around,
"Our audience loves us." Mick mocks, his breath gently blowing against my ear which caused goosebumps down my neck. I laughed softly and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of my new husband holding me in his arms then jumped up alerted at the feeling of Micks heavy foot stomping onto my toes. I jumped away from him and laughed as our guests stared in a mix of shock but glee at Micks terrible dancing skills.

"He said he would practice but it's okay." I laughed, addressing the guests but not breaking my eye contact with Mick who had flushed a harsh cherry red.

"Sorry Liebe." He mouthed,

"Don't be silly Mick it's fine, I've grown to love your silly dance skills." I smiled st him as he took me into his strong arms once again,

"Shall we try again?" I mused into his ear,

He chuckled and replied,

"We've got the rest of our lives to dance Mrs Schumacher... the rest of our lives"

F1, F2 & F3 : FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now