• Pierre Gasly •

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I was getting the lounge ready for a comfortable night in, awaiting my nightly face time call with Pierre. It had been a whole two months since he left home to start the racing season again and we had both agreed that he should stay at the tracks instead of coming back home and putting everyone at risk, unlike some drivers who decided to fly here, there and everywhere with their significant others. It had been difficult without Pierre in the house and I was missing having him with me but the face time calls helped. Pierre had been gone for about two weeks when he suggested we do this every night to feel closer together instead of a million miles away. It had worked brilliantly and I felt comforted throughout the day knowing I would be seeing Pierre at the end of it. It was about 40 minutes before our agreed time so I continued with my Netflix show.


I jumped up when my laptop began lighting up with the notification that Pierre was calling me. I hastily paused the show and leapt for my laptop. Settling it on my knee and clicking accept.

"Hey!" I said cheerfully,

"Hey, I'm glad to hear you're happy after the day I've had." Pierre stated, followed by a small sigh.

"Oh god is everything alright?" I asked softly, noting the frustration on his tired face.

Pierre began to start a sentence but stopped himself, eyes flicking toward the door.

"Pierre is everything okay you're scaring me a bit." I asked with nervous laughter.

"Yeah hang on let me just check nobody can hear me I don't want to upset anybody."

He quickly vanished out of view before popping back down into his spot again.

"It's been difficult today and I don't know why, the team was really tense and everybody seemed on edge. Marko was giving orders as usual and everybody was just all over the place. I was trying to give suggestions on the car and help but I got either shot down or ignored."

"It's probably just as the team is getting back into the flow of things after such a long break, I'm sure a few people have felt the same way as you do."

"Yeah I just... I feel like nobody believes in me, nobody on the team seems to care about me."

I let my face fall as it made so sad that Pierre felt this way. I began to launch into my motivation speech,

"Of course that care about you Pierre you have been an absolutely amazing driver for them, are you just forgetting about your podium finish, that meant so much to everybody on the team and you do so much for them off the track as well, trust me when I say this, they believe in you and so do I."

I looked at the screen to see Pierre beaming once again, he laughed shaking his head slightly,

"How is it you always know what to say?" He questioned with a grin,

"I'm magic like that." I mused cheekily.

Pierre scoffed and, with a happier mood than from where we started, began asking about me and we settled into a nice conversation.

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