• Daniel R •

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It had been a tough week for Daniel in Singapore... shame for him but great for me as when Danny Ric was unhappy and angry, that made me a very lucky woman. It made sound selfish but having an F1 driver for a friends with benefits partner was very fortunate. If he was happy with a result he would invite me round to celebrate, if he was upset he would invite me round to console himself and if he was angry he would invite me round to take his anger out.

So when sent me a message simply saying:

DR: Come round to mine I need to talk to you

I got in my car, thinking the text was a little unusual but still made my way to his apartment without really thinking about where I was driving, I knew the route very well by now. I pressed the buzzer and without a word he let me in, the door in front of me sliding open as I snaked my way through the stairs and halls of his building until I eventually reached his door and lazily knocked on.

The door swung open as I leant against the frame with a smirk on my face,

"Hello Dan-"

I was cut off as Daniels tall figure and muscular built arms wrapped tightly around me and hastily slid me into his apartment and kicked the door shut behind me. He didn't move apart from a gentle sway as he clung onto me in a tight hug which restricted my breathing slightly. His head had dropped into the crook of my neck and he seemed heavy, weighed down by his emotions. I pulled back to meet his eyes, they were wide and alert and searching my face, dropping quickly to my lips before meeting my concerned expression once more.

"Dan, are you alright?" I ask quietly, gently taking his hand into mine and rubbing my thumb in soothing circles.

I gasped as tears formed and his lip began to tremble; all of a sudden this man who usually was confident and so self-assured now stood in front of me; vulnerable and afraid, almost like a boy...

A boy that was broke.

He burst into tears and was choking onto sobs; I grasped his hand and raced over to the sofa and sat him down, wrapping him up tightly in my arms and placed his head gently against my neck, my shirt instantly dampening due to his tears.

"I can't keep doing it! The shitty race results, the stupid penalties, the bad press and just everything!" He practically shouted as he sat up and leant on his arm against the shoulder: his eyes were glaring into mine; not in a malicious or angry way though; as if he was lost and was searching to find emotion within me, as if I could share it and make him feel safe. So that's what I tried to do.

I began saying reassuring words, and calming phrases; all of which I had used in the past when he was angry or upset yet this time it just felt different. I had never seen him cry because when he was sad he usually just stayed quiet. Yet, I continued to talk to him and tell him that he was doing brilliantly and was still an amazing driver just because he wasn't in an amazing car. He went extremely quite before leaping up and with all his might shouted directly at me,

"Just shut up for once! You act like you know me y/n and you know what is going on in my life but you don't!"

I looked down and whispered softly,

"Then why did you invite me round and not Michale or your sister or anybody else that knows you Daniel?"

He hurried over and bent down, taking my hands into his with a gentle touch,

"Because I fucking love you, I always have, ever since I saw you in that bar dancing and laughing and every time you were in my apartment I wished you would stay just an hour longer so I could hold you tighter and for the times you did stay and I made you breakfast I would think to myself and pretend like it was real, that you were my girlfriend and you actually loved me."

I let my mouth hang open as I studied his face... his eyes were anywhere but mine.

I couldn't help but let the butterflies run along my body; creating ribbons of nerves which seemed to physically wrap around my voice as I trembled out,

"Well its a bloody good thing I love you back Daniel Ricciardo."

He looked up in slight shock before slamming his lips into mine, sitting back down on the sofa and pulling me into his lap he smiled foolishly,

"So erm, now that I have had a bit of a breakdown, shouted at you but then confessed my love for you can we do something that a couple would, like watch a film?" He grinned and placed an excited kiss onto my cheek, I widened my eyes at everything that just happened and nodded my head,

"Sure thing boyfriend."
"Great stuff girlfriend"

With that he snuggled me tightly into his side and turned on the tv, for the first time ever I spent my night in Daniel Ricciardo's arms as, not his nightly hook up, but his actual girlfriend and I couldn't be happier...

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