• Charles L •

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I sunk down into the bath, letting the water slip over my head before pushing myself up again to take a breath and wrapped my hands around the edge of the tub as more tears slipped out and a shaky sigh left my mouth. They were gone, my grandparents had been ill for a very long time and I knew that when they moved into residential care it was only a matter of time but to lose them both in the space of two weeks was too much for me to handle. I stepped out of the bath and onto the fluffy mat that was in front of the sink before wrapping a towel around me and letting my eyes rest upon my appearance in the mirror. My eyes were lifeless, with dark circles painted underneath them; I tore myself away from the mirror and quickly shuffled into a pair of sweatpants and one of Charles Ferrari shirts before slumbering onto our bed, lying on top of the covers as sleep slowly descended.


I woke to the feeling of someone running their hand up and down my arm, I jumped up but relaxed when I saw Charles with a smile on his face.

"Hey, so I know you were asleep but today was so good on the simulator I got about 100 laps in and broke the- babe what's wrong?"

I bit back a sob as Charles happily talked about his day at the technology centre, I met his shocked eyes and a whole waterfall of emotion fell out of me. I shuffled up to him and clung to his top as my tears began to trickle down my face and onto his shoulder,

"They're both gone Charles, both of them, she went this morning!" I managed to breath out, I felt him sigh and wrap his arms around me and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"Oh y/n, it's okay now they're peaceful together, it's okay."' He whispered in a soothing voice, gently rocking me in his hold.

"It's not Charles I just want them back." I say gently, trying to calm myself down.

"You're allowed to cry Y/N , I'm here for you, I'm always going to be here for you." He said with a small smile, lying down onto the duvet and gently pulling me down with him, still allowing me to clutch onto his shoulders.

He gently pushed his hand through my hair and began circling his thumb in small circles on my forehead, his other hand holding my back with a supportive, loving feel. My watery eyes looked up to meet his, his eyes twinkled with the usual magic they held and it brought a small smile to my face as I lay my head against his again.

"Can we just lie here forever?" I whispered as sleep slowly began creeping its way back in.

"I'm not sure about forever y/n" Charles replied with a chuckle before continuing,

"But for a while yes, just you and me, everything is going to be alright mon amour."

I let my eyes close with the feeling of comfort and love surrounding me...

F1, F2 & F3 : FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now