• Daniel R •

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Daniel and I were hosting a bbq for some of his friends and family as we were staying in Perth for a couple of weeks. After moving to L.A Daniel sold his old house in Perth, much to the despair of his parents, so as a comprise he said that anytime me and him went back to Perth everybody was invited round to the house we were renting for a BBQ. So far it had gone really well, Daniel was mainly catching up with his friends whereas I sat with his family and detailed the new L.A lifestyle and gave a few comments about Daniels racing season but kept mainly quiet on the subject; it was up to him if he wanted to talk about it, not me. However, our guests didn't seem to catch the hint and were eagerly probing me with questions about Daniel and his new team. I didn't want to answer or give anything personal away off Dan. Obviously I knew how he was feeling about his season he confides in me all the time, I'm his girlfriend! But, the guests continued to press and press and press for answers.

I whipped my head around in the hopes of catching Daniels attention and to my luck he was already staring my way which caused a small flutter of my heartbeat but also a sense of relief as I nodded my head to the group I was sat with and mined a little 'Help' off my lips. He grinned and shook his head before making his way over and sitting in the chair next to me. Placing one hand around my shoulder and slipping the other into a reassuring grip within my own hands he simply said,

"So, for everybody that wants to know how I feel about this season... great... not as good as previous years but I'm happier mentally in this team so I think that's more important."

A few people nodded their head and his mum gave him a quick thumbs up to which he smiled to. Finally, the guests began to talk amongst themselves and began their own topics of conversation. I let out a small relaxed sigh and leaned my head upon Dans shoulder.

"You can talk about my career you know?" He whispered,

"It's your career as much as it is mine." He added onto his previous statement,

"What do you mean by that?"
I questioned as I sat up to turn towards him,

"Well I do the actual racing but then when I get back home it's you that makes me feel happy and that's why I fell in love with you!" He cooed mockingly and squished my cheeks, I swatted his hand off with a little laugh and a rosy colour descended onto my cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?" He asked lowly with a smirk but before I could answer Grace, his mother, called over to Dan and said more drinks were needed.

I told him I would do it and made my way through the open doors and into the kitchen where I began to collect some bottles from the fridge but stopped to contemplate how many were needed and began to count the amount of people in mine and Daniels yard but began to get some Aunts and Cousins mixed up and forgot who drank what and who didn't drink at all. I stood in the kitchen with a confused frown setting upon my face but jumped as two arms wrapped around my waist, immediately relaxing when I recognised the tattoos that delicately led over the arms.

"Difficult maths problem going on here love?" Daniel said amused, pressing a kiss lightly behind my ear,

"Oh shut up, it's difficult dan, why do you have like 500 family members here."

"You mean 23?"

I sighed and turned around, still held tightly by his arms. He mimed a sorry before pressing a kiss to lips,

"You're blushing again, and why were you blushing before you god damn know I love you?"

He asked, lifting me up and sitting me on the counter before randomly starting to snack on whatever he could find.

"I didn't know you truly felt like I was apart of your career, and your seasons and... this life ya know... it was nice to find out."

He looked at me slightly shocked,

"Y/N you have always been apart of my career, from the moment I met you I knew I wanted to spend my life with you... sorry for that."

I giggled at his comment before replying,

"As if... you can't know you love somebody from the second you meet them."

He pressed his hands on my hips and began talking again,

"You don't believe in love at first sight?"

I shook my head truthfully and added,

"I mean I saw you and thought you were attractive and all but I could never imagine it leading to all of this, being with you here right now!"

"I believe in love at first sight." He stated, I scoffed but before I could say anything he cut me off,

"I fell in love with you the second I saw those eyes." Daniel said dreamily,

Now I was blushing. Blushing a bright red rose as he stared into my eyes, coming ever closer before pressing a deep kiss onto my lips and gently holding one hand under my chin.

When we finally pulled apart I looked up to see Daniels dark, yet soft and loving eyes staring down at mine.

"I seriously love you but we have guests to attend to!" And with that he pulled me off the counter and began rounding up the bottles.

Before we finally left the house to enter the yard again though he took one last look into my eyes and smiled to which I happily returned.

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