•Sebastian V •

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It wasn't a good for start for Seb, he quickly slipped away from the first two rows and was frantically trying to get past Charles and they may have made contact but nobody could truly tell. He was quiet on the radio bar from a few sad sighs and words of apologies to the team.

It got worse.
He was coming over one of the corners and boom!

The car suddenly went and he began to speed right across the track. My heart raced as it didn't seem like he was going to slow down and he clearly had no control over the car. Some engineers began to shout about suspension failure which only increased my worry and I quickly brought my wedding to my lips and pressed a light kiss against it but let out a sigh of relief as the car slid into a stop and Sebastians voice came through the headset I was wearing.

"I'm okay"

Physically, yes. My husband was okay.
Mentally? I don't know.

This season had not gone Seb's way at all. He had some messy races and a few DNF's and it all made him extremely quiet, both at home and around the circuit. He often came across very angry in the radio but then when it was just me and him he was...


I wanted him to shout and let his emotions out but I couldn't help but feel he was hiding them on purpose, as to not seem weak. He walked into the garage about twenty minutes after the car had come to a stand still on the track and spoke briefly with his engineers before heading to his drivers room. Leaving me alone in the garage with a slightly lonely feeling settling in my stomach. I hopped off my stool and followed him at a slow pace down the corridor to his room. He took his helmet off and could now hear my shoes walking behind him. He turned around with a stone cold scowl set on his face which softened when he saw it was only me that was following him. He held out his hand and I grabbed it but let out a surprised gasp when he began to hurry and speed into his drivers cabin, pulling me in behind him and shutting the door. I looked into his usually sparking blue eyes to be met with dull and hopeless ones. The light had gone. There was no joy left in him.

"Seb-" I whispered softly,

I placed my arms around him and rested my head against his chest where I could hear his heartbeat hammering.

"Liebe, I'm okay."

"No you're not."

I pulled away from him so I could look him in the eyes once more,

"Stop lying Sebastian! You're lying to me but most importantly you're lying to yourself."

He sighed but I continued,

"You're not okay. I see it in the way you are and hear it in the way you speak. You want to win more which is perfectly understandable but you cannot let this sport dictate your life and emotions in the way you do!"

"This sport is my life though."

I sighed, feeling stuck at a crossroads. I know Sebastian loves this sport and, admittedly, it was his life. Yet, if something so important to him was making him despair most of the time then what can I do to help?

I took his hand softly and led him to couch where we both sat down and he was clearly waiting for me to say something.

"I want a deal out of you Seb."

He laughed lightly but stopped at my light scowl I shot his way,

"Next season, no matter the consequences of the race, wether it was your best or worse performance wether you won or came last you need to tell me how you feel. This season I've felt like I lost you and my husband had just disappeared into this reclusive shell. Next year it can't be like that, I need you to be you Sebastian... do you have any conditions to next year's agreement?"

I said with a small laugh, he nodded slowly and pulled me into a tight hug, pressed a light kiss upon my cheek before whispering very slowly against my hair,

"Just don't leave me, that's all I'll ever ask of you."

"God Seb, I'd never leave you, I need you and with you being able to tell me how you feel from now on I can help you so much more."

He nodded and pulled me into a deep kiss before breaking out into a smile against my lips,

"Christ I love you y/n."

"Love you too Sebastian"

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