• George R •

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The sun was shining through the curtains and George was softly snoring above my ear with his arms wrapped around my waist. I sighed peacefully, a joyful anticipation building of the day ahead; George has promised he would do a BBQ if the weather was good and by the looks of things it was going to stay sunny. I turned in his arms and pecked his nose lightly to which he gave a sleepy smile and lifted his eyes open. My heart fluttered at the sight of his blue eyes gazing into mine, still adorned with sleep.

"Pancakes for breakfast?"

"Y/n I'm supposed to be keeping fit and healthy for when racing returns!" George whined,

"Well don't eat pancakes then, I can make you some boring oatmeal..." I replied in a sing song voice,

"Okay but only two pancakes, not five like last time."

I nodded and went down to the kitchen and started the breakfast.


I set the plates down on the patio table and George finally appeared through the open doors and sat opposite me and quickly delved into his pancakes. I had barely finished my first pancake when I gawped at George's empty plate.

"Hungry then?" I asked with a smirk,

"Can I be a pain and ask for another-"

"But George you said you only wanted two!" I replied, unable to hide my smile.

George did this all the time, ask for small portions to regulate his "healthy driving lifestyle" and then would beg for my food or to make him more. I slid my plate across, George sent me a sheepish smile before absolutely devouring the full plate.


It was finally slipping into the early evening and the scent of BBQ was drifting over the garden as George stood over it, keeping an eye on the food. I kept secretly filming him and adding it to my Instagram, quality content of George in sliders and socks for the fans. I go back inside to grab a lemonade and when I came back out George had stole my seat and was staring at me with mock anger.

"I don't have bad fashion sense what do you mean!"

He shoved his phone into my face to show the story where I was zooming in on his questionable outfit.

"Well usually you're fashionable but this bbq fit isn't it George!" I mocked,

He grabbed me by the waist and we fell onto the grass, I squealed as he began rolling about the grass, messing up my hair and presumably my outfit.

"George stop it!" I wheezed through my laughs, he hovered over me with a shine to his eyes and mischief in his grin,

"May I steal a kiss my' lady?"

"You may." I mused,

George pecked me on the lips before pulling me up so we were both standing once more.

"What's that smell it smells like something's..."

"The burgers!" George exclaimed before hurrying over to BBQ where the burgers were such a crisp burnt that they had physically shrunk in size.

"Oh god y/n I'm sorry."

"George don't worry about it we can get a takeaway okay?" I softly reassured him, sad to see his worried expression.

George agreed and we cleaned up the BBQ and made the lounge ready for our night it.

"Can we agree on one thing George?"

"What's that?"

"Always ask for more food than you want and I'll do the BBQ from now on."

George laughed and pulled me closer to his chest as the film began...

F1, F2 & F3 : FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now