• Carlos S •

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It was the third week of my solo living in Madrid; after being here on holiday a few months ago I decided to make the permanent move and finish my studying online. I worked in a small clothes shop down the road down the road to fund my apartment and food whilst working at the shop came with a helpful discount so I was pretty much sorted... except friends. I kept in regular contact with my friends from home; social media and face time playing the biggest part in that but I wanted somebody to talk to face to face with but the only problem was that my Spanish skills were mediocre at best but hopefully I could find some fellow English speaking people in Madrid. My first three weeks had been spent settling into my apartment and learning my way around the new job. My small Spanish helped me get by in the shop but I could use with some help so decided to hit the town for the night in search of friends. I swept my hair into a low sleek ponytail and wore a silk green dress that's topped slightly above the knee... I looked damn good to say the least and felt a new wave of confidence bubble within me as I took the streets of Madrid.


I took a seat at the front of a bar, lit brightly by neon signs and crowded with loud voices followed by loud laughter. My eyes flickered to a table of 6 boys, seemingly mid twenties, laughing and discussing in deep Spanish.

My eyes floated to a tall figure, a light scruff gracing his face and tanned skin glowing under the lights but I instantly clicked to one certain aspect. Those deep dark eyes; holding millions of memories and one thousand stories I wish he was telling me. My heart fluttered as a deep, slightly raspy voice tumbled from his lips with the natural grace of the Spanish accent, followed by a joyous, genuine laugh that brought a smile to my lips as I wondered what he was laughing about. Then it happened: our eyes met. One persons feelings sinking into the other ; some may call it fate (I call it me somehow catching the eye of a very attractive Spaniard after too many glasses of wine.) . His eyes sparkled with amusement and interest, his lips tugged up slightly and he lightly nodded is head in my direction. I smiled and nodded back, my stomach warming at this slight interaction.

I swiftly stood up and sauntered my way to the bar, trying to add a wave of lust and confidence into my walk but I'm pretty sure I just looked like a flamingo of sorts.
As I handed my card over to pay for the drink a large hand held my wrist and placed a different card forward,

"No hay que preocuparse hermosa, lo conseguiré." A low voice muttered in my ear, I turned to be with met the face of the stranger from outside,

"Carlos, ¿cómo te llamas para futuras referencias?" He grinned, laughing at whatever he said,

"Erm, no ingles? " I questioned, giggling at my own attempt to string together a conversation.

"Ahhh, an English visitor in Madrid, I'm Carlos, you are?" He mused with a smirk at my shocked expression to his smooth English rolling off his tongue,

"Y/N... erm so you speak English?" I giggled nervously as he took a step closer , his cologne wrapping itself around me in a tight embrace.

"Yes, my job sort of requires it, I travel a lot."

"What do you do?" My interest peaked.

"It's complicated."

"So you're a spy...assassin...ninja?" I laughed, truly wondering who this mysterious Carlos was.

"A formula one driver, but less about me more about you, I can't see you, can we go into the light?" He hurried, clearly wanting to shift attention elsewhere. I nodded, a million emotions erupting as he grabbed my hand and calmly led me through the crowd to a section outside where it was a lot quieter but much brighter.

"This should be easier for us to talk hermosa, it was much too loud in there and I-"

He stopped as I looked up and met his eyes, offering him a small smile. He seemed to be studying me, not creepily but in a way of admiration. He placed a soft hand under my chin and gently rubbed the pad of his thumb against my cheek.

"This may sound strange and a bit like a stalker but my god you are gorgeous and te amo... that's all...te amo."

I dropped my mouth slightly at his words, a warm feeling spreading from head to toe, my heart beating rapidly.

"Do you need me to translate." He chuckled,

"No I know what you mean." I smiled, taking a step closer.

He raised both hands to my face and pulled me closer to him, lips meeting as noses brushed and feelings made mutual in both of our hearts.

He broke apart and whispered into my ear, sending shivers amongst my neck,

"I'll give you my number, meet me tomorrow in the main square, I'll show you what you need to see in this great city."

I nodded, placing my hand into his, swinging them by our side,

"So Carlos, see you tomorrow."

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