• Lewis H •

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I sighed in dismay as I walked out of the bedroom after mine and Lewis's conversation. I wouldn't admit it to him then but his growing friendship to some models was starting to grate on my slightly. He had the opportunity to stay at home this week but had decided to go and spend some time in L.A because there was a swimwear shoot happening and he was friends with some of the models. Yep, that's right, my fiancé was going to spend the weekend with bikini clad women on the sunny beaches of Miami; not that I had it bad where I was staying, we were currently using the Monaco apartment but the fact I was in it alone had my nerves on edge. People say it's not healthy to worry about your partner being unfaithful and constantly worry about other girls but how couldn't I when Lewis was such close friends with supermodels!
I think Lewis knew I was upset over something during the conversation though he couldn't quite put his finger on it and hastily jumped at the escape when Toto rang him. I looked at the silver ring on my finger, the diamond glinting as the last beams of sun fell over Monaco. I made up my mind, I needed to tell Lewis how I felt before he left for the airport.


I was sat at the kitchen island scrolling through my phone, waiting for Lewis to emerge from the bedroom once he had finished his phone call with Toto. Eventually, he did and raised his eyebrows in apprehension when he saw me waiting for him,

"You okay?" He asked, grabbing some food,

"Yes...well no not really, can we talk?" I asked, the nerves rippling through my voice.

Lewis nodded, slightly suspicious but did sit down across from me.

"I was wondering if I would be able to come with you this weekend, spend some time together away."

Lewis opened his mouth but quickly shut it, thinking over his words before starting again,

"It's a nice idea but I'm just flying out to see friends, I don't think there will be much time to relax just you and me." He explained softly,

"Oh...I don't mind that it will be fun and I've never met your friends." I stated, putting heavy emphasise on the word friends, something Lewis picked up on.

He laughed hollowly holding up a hand in question,

"You're jealous aren't you?"

I averted my eyes quickly, feeling embarrassed, I took a small breath before nodding, looking back up at Lewis who had a smirk setting upon his face.

"You have nothing to be worried about, they're just friends and I'll be back in a week."

"I get that Lewis but they're supermodels, they're gorgeous and all the papers know it too!"

"Oh don't tell me you read that nonsense." He huffed, clearly not understanding my emotions.

"How can't I, they always put you with this girl one week and then another girl the next and I'm just here alone to read them!" I exclaimed,

"You're being ridiculous, I'm allowed friends!" Lewis argues, his voice rising.

"I know that but see it from my point of view, my fiancé goes across the world to hang out with supermodels in bikinis and is always so secretive about it." I snapped, my voice now matching his.

"What do you want me to say, that I don't find them attractive, because I do and at least they're not constantly whining!" Lewis shouted and I immediately stopped, at a loss for words.

Lewis hurried over taking my hands into his but I wrenched them away.

"I didn't mean that, I said it for effect."

"Well it worked...get out."

"Y/n come on let's talk properly,"

"We've just tried that and look how it ended, please leave."

"You're not kicking me out over that, seriously?" Lewis was pleading, his eyes wide in worry.

"Please leave...just go...you have a flight to catch."

Lewis looked at me with sadness setting in before grabbing his suitcase,

"I'll see you at the end of the week okay?" He offered, but I simply shook my head.

"I think we're over Lewis, there is too many issues between us."

He looked around my apartment one last time with a fleeting glance,

"Bye y/n, I still love you; don't ever forget that."

"Bye Lewis."

I walked to the door and shut it softly. It was a hasty decision to break up but it made sense. Me and Lewis had been fighting for a while and it felt nice to have the weight lifted from my shoulders.

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