• Mick S •

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Today was special for Mick as he was doing a lap around Hockenheim in his dad's 2004 Ferrari. He had his nerves as he felt he would be , as he always was, criticised by the media for trying too hard to be his father or not living up to what others deemed "acceptable" results for someone who carried the Schumacher name.


My eyes fluttered open as I heard Mick sigh softly and run his hand through his hair for what seemed the hundredth time tonight, I lifted my head from his chest to meet his eyes,

"What's up Mick, and don't say nothing because I know you." I giggled softly as a small smile curled upon his lips.

"Tomorrow I'm driving my Dads car, his winning car and-" He stopped for a second to draw an intake of air before continuing,

"What if I mess up, crash it, spin it or don't do what he did... do you think he would be happy if he knew I was using his car, I mean I told him and Mum said she will show him on TV but wether he remembers or knows what's going on I-" He stopped abruptly, his voice cracking with emotion as his eyes became glossy.

I sat up so I was level with him, both of us leaning against the headboard.

"Mick, your Dad would be so proud of you in that car and how you're doing in F2 and whilst he might not know what's going on, you do, and that's the most important thing, you know that you can get in that car and so your dad proud."

He pulled me in for a light kiss before pulling us both to lie down and fall asleep.


Mick had just come out of the garage and had his helmet on, he was slipping his gloves on and avoiding all the camera flashes and questions being screamed at him from over the barrier. I slipped out from my spot until I was stood by his his side, close enough so he could feel my presence, his eyes met mine through the gap of his helmet and with a small nod he went to the car...


I watched the large screen, tears brimming as he rounded the last corner and onto the main straight, lifting a hand in the air in a fist before waving it to the crowd. He eventually pulled the car in and hopped out of it, fumbled with his helmet before it finally popped off to reveal the gorgeous face I so quickly fell in love with. His eyes were wide with emotion a, grin sporting his face, his hair was slightly fluffy from the heat inside the helmet but still sat perfect in a way only Mick's could. He raced over to me and picked me up in a swirling hug before placing me lightly back in the ground and dragging me into the corridor under the podium.

"I did it Liebe, I did it!" He cheered, pulling me tightly into his chest. Something deep inside me began to stir, a feeling I hadn't quite experienced before as Mick's scent overwhelmed my senses.

Memories of happy times with Mick flooded my memory; our first meeting where both of us stumbled over our words with flirty apprehension, where he nervously asked me on our first date, running a hand through his hair as he so often does. Moving in together where, rather than unpacking, Mick chased me around the new house before throwing me into the pool. Also, the sweet little moments where he would whisper sweet nothings into my ear, holding me tightly. The times he would brush his hands lightly through my hair after a lazy morning of live making. The times he would patiently watch me get ready, his mouth hung open in mock awe. These were the times that brought a smile to my face and made my heart warm with the thought of spending the rest of my life with Mick... why not start that now?

"Marry me!" I gasped,

Mick jumped with a startled stare,

"What?" He questioned, a small crack in his voice,

"Marry me, lets get married, they're isn't anybody else in this entire world that I want to spend my life with, no other person I want to love apart from you." I said, tears brimming in my eyes.

"Erm hang on."
Mick stuttered shuffling about with a an air of panic as my heart broke to his seemingly disturbed reaction.

"I didn't have a ring but oh well."

He muttered, gently lowering himself onto one knee, taking my hands into his, a warm smile spreading over his face with a bright shining twinkle appearing.

"Y/N L/N... the love of my life, the person who gets me through it all ... erm... if this was planned it would of been really romantic Liebe trust me but for now, will you marry me and become y/n Schumacher?"

I grinned as soft tears rolled down my cheeks,

"Yes Mick!"

He stood up and twirled me round in the air, pressing a long, loving kiss onto my lips,

"Well miss fiancé, I just say I love you quite a lot."

I giggled as he let me down and led me outside to announce the news to the world...

F1, F2 & F3 : FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now