• Carlos S •

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It was difficult to try and focus on my book, the lines kept getting muddled under my view and I had to keep re-reading lines after I was getting characters mixed up. The rain that was hammering against the conservatory roof was pulling every-thought out of my head, to the point where, with a defeated sigh, I put my bookmark in and set the book aside. I had been reading in the lounge but Carlos had declared all of a sudden he had a zoom call and could I go in the conservatory because he wouldn't be able to hear over the rain. I obviously went into the other room but now I'm slightly regretful, this call better be important!

I was about to turn the radio on when the door swung open to Carlos practically screaming at me,

"Pen, pen, pen I need a pen!"

I jumped up in alarm and grabbed one from the stationary draw in the cabinet that was beside the sofa and threw it to him, he grabbed it and swiftly exited. I had to register what just happened, I shrugged it off and sat back down, not deciding to question the strange ways of Carlos Sainz.


About 40 minutes had passed since the pen fiasco when I heard Carlos walking through the kitchen and into where I was sat,

"Let's go for a drive I have to tell you something," he said with a cheeky grin,

"But it's raining and cold," I whined,

"Y/N please it's important okay!" Carlos pleaded, I pursed my lips before nodding, grabbing a hoodie on the way out and settling into the car seat, appreciating the seat warmer as heat enveloped me.

Carlos swiftly pulled off the drive before settling into a smooth pace,

"So where are we heading for this super important news?" I teased lightly

"Our first date location."

Carlos had taken me to the local Madrid park for our first date, it was a day I'll cherish forever as he and I walked around the sunny park with ice creams and simply got to know one another, Carlos ended the day with a sweet first kiss. It warmed my heart that we were returning to the park and it was quite a drive so this news obviously meant something extremely important to Carlos. He had some spanish songs softly playing on the radio and he was nervously tapping his fingers upon the wheel, I shifted my thoughts and followed the raindrops as they raced down the window.


We pulled up at the park and Carlos sighed in dismay, not only had the light drizzle turned into a flat out downpour but the park gates were closed. Carlos hopped out of the car and checked the sign on the gates, he was clearly upset so an idea seeped into my mind.

I flicked on the headlights that instantly illuminated the surrounding area and I also got out the car.

"Tell me here." I stated,

"But it's not as nice!" Carlos whined,

"Dancing in the rain with headlights is the most romantic thing possible Carlos, it's in every rom-com movie going." I replied, taking his hands and trying to get him to move gently, he chuckled and happily complied, twirling me under his arm, shaking his hair as water droplets cascaded upon the both of us.

"So tell me the news." I said, as we fell into a slow dance,

"I'm a ferrari driver...they signed me today." He said sheepishly, I instantly pulled away, staring at him with awe,

"You're driving for Ferrari, oh my gosh Carlos this is amazing!" I squealed, leaping into his arms.

He spun me round lightly before placing me back down,

"That's why I needed the pen, to sign the contract." He grinned,

"Wait you went into contract signing without a pen?" I scolded,

He blushed charmingly before kissing me unexpectedly, I blushed when he stopped.

"Well done Carlos,you deserve it...you'll be amazing."

He beamed at me before we went back to the car, Carlos instantly set the seat warmers up and we drove back home.

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