• Daniel R •

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I sent a quick glance to Daniel over my glass, a smile brought to my lips as his twinkling brown eyes met mine, sending a warm wave of happiness throughout my body. It was my fifth date with Daniel since we first met at a club in Monaco and he gave me his number with a wink. I knew who he was and what he did beforehand but he seemed to appreciate my interest in his sport and welcomed talk of his current car and team with a smile that burst with pride.

Our first few dates were quite relaxed:


"This walk is beautiful Daniel, thank you for bringing me here" I sent a small smile his way,
"It's my relaxation place, when it has all gotten quite tough on track at the weekend this is the place I come." He replied, turning around to look me on the face.
He cocked his head slightly, seeming to study me a bit, I raised a questioning eyebrow at him before he seemingly blushed a deep crimson and held out his hand. I smiled and took into, we fell into slow step, swinging our enclosed hands with subtle glee.

"Next time I see you we can come back here and go into the water if you want?" He questioned sweetly, his strong Aussie accent coming into play.

"Next time?" I questioned, he looked at, a look of pure dread washing over his face.

"I'm joking, I'd love to visit again with you Dan, do you mind being called Dan?"

"Not if it's you." He beamed with a cheeky grin.


The next dates that followed were equally as enjoyable and relaxed, Daniel taking me to his favourite places and me taking him to mine. It was only on our fifth date when we stepped it up a notch and went to a rather fancy restaurant. We spoke of our pasts, how we're living in the present and what we wish for the future, both of us wanting children I happily picked up on. It was dark in Monaco as we finally left the restaurant; drunk on happiness and love... and maybe also wine but oh well.
I went to hail a taxi but Dan put a hand up to block me.
"I ordered you an Uber." He admitted sheepishly , taking a small step closer to me.

"Trying to get rid of me that quick Ricciardo?" I tease lightheartedly, he shoots me a grin before his mouth drops to a small smile before he lightly whispers,

"Can I kiss you?" His hand delicately pushing my hair behind my ear,

I nod shyly as he takes my chin into his hand and pulls me to his face. I close my eyes with content as he places his lips to mine. A slight taste of whiskey brushed upon my lips, I loosely hang my hands around his neck and he pulls my body tightly up against his, one hand grabbing onto my chin whilst the other secured a fairly tight grip onto my hip. He deepened the kiss and lightly snaked his tongue into my mouth, I grinned as he did this, feeling the fireworks go off around my body. I drew my hands up the back of his necks before they were slowly tangled in his deep curls. He sighed with content before finally pulling away, leaving my lips bee stung and my heart swelling.

"Uber's here." He pointed out, I giggled and stepped out of his grasp, making my way to the car and it's very embarrassed driver,

"Think we had an audience." Daniel muttered, pressing a lasting kiss onto my cheek.

"See you tomorrow?" He asked with a wicked smile, I nodded in reply, unable to get the words out. He grinned and opened the door for me and shut it once I was in place in my seat, who said chivalry was dead?

I rolled the window down and blew him a kiss to which he mock caught before giving me a wave as the car rolled away into the Monaco night....

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