• Christian L •

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Today was the day Christian and I were finally moving into our new house, our first home! Me and Christian shared an apartment but had decided to make the move to a house together; we both felt ready to make everything very solid in our relationship and a house was the biggest step. Everything was set and we were all packed when the lockdown hit and our estate agent said we would have to wait. We were absolutely devastated but knew we would be able to move in soon and that the light was at the end of the tunnel, Christian was back racing so I was spending the time in his apartment rather lonely, struggling to cope with the silence in the air and the coldness of the rooms. My heart soared when the estate agent called and said that he would drop the keys off in the afternoon and we were able to move in. I waited until Christian got home to tell him the news. It still makes me smile when I think of his reaction to me waving the keys in front of his face. He had practically screamed and picked me up, spinning me round with a bright beam on his face.

I was shook out of my daydream when two arms wrapped around my waist from behind and Christian placed a light kiss to the back of my ear.

"You ready?" He said softly,

I nodded in response, sliding off the stool and taking one last look around the apartment. Christian and I shared many memories here and tears brimmed in my eyes as the moments in our relationship came flooding back.

"Hey don't cry, I know it's sad to see our first place go but we're moving onto better things." Christian said sweetly, wiping a tear away from my face. I nodded with a grin,

"Better things." I repeated and with that we made our way out of the apartment and locked the door for one last time.


Moving places was a million more times stressful than I ever imagined, Christian and I had both turned down help from our parents because this was something we wanted to do together but I think we are now mutually regretting that decision. The moving truck had left the items in the hallway of our new home, I was trying to push some items into the lounge area to make room for the stuff that was in the car. The rain hadn't helped the situation at all, a heavy downpour had begun about five minutes after we started driving and the boxes were damp, making them extra heavy. I was silently praying nothing inside of them was damaged as Christian was hauling thing from the boot of the car into the house. It took him about five trips before he finally had finished. We both practically collapsed on the floor when the front door finally closed.

"That was difficult." Christian managed to breath out heavily, I nodded, my eyes scanning the multiple boxes that surrounded us and furniture that was placed haphazardly around the downstairs of the house.

"Shall we put the boxes into the rooms they belong in as a start?" I asked gently, trying to ease Christian back into moving heavy loads. He groaned and slapped his hands over his face before agreeing and we went to work.

The lounge, dining room and kitchen boxes weren't too difficult as they were all on the first floor and the moving company had set up the large pieces of furniture for us like the sofas and tables. It was the constant descent and climb up the stairs that wore us out. Christian tackled the bedroom and bathroom boxes whilst I took the boxes that contained the items for the wardrobe room and study. I eventually plopped down onto the landing in a sweaty mess, scraping my now damp hair into a ponytail. Christian came out from the bathroom and sat next to me, noticing my downcast mood as he wrapped an arm around me and allowed me to rest my head on his chest,

"You okay?"

"I guess."

"What's wrong?"

I sighed softly, pulling away to face him.

"I thought moving into a new house would be exciting, romantic and fun but it's tiring, repetitive and hardworking." I groaned, Christian only laughed joyfully to which I scowled at.

"It's only nice in the movies but this is exciting, all of these huge rooms for you and I, it can be fun if we put some music on and dance whilst we work!" He winked at me and I instantly cheered up.

"And as for romantic...well I can work on that." He nodded, clearly thinking some things through his head.

He linked his phone to the speakers dotted around the house and music began playing which, as Christian promised, made the moving slightly less tedious due to Christian spinning and sliding around me with vases and photo frames. It was taking a while but I could start to see the rooms slowly develop into their future homely selves.


It was now well into the morning but Christian and I were done. The rooms were filled with our belongings and the house was now a home. We stood in a tight hug in the lounge, marvelling at our new place.

"Well you were right that was quite fun and this is defiantly exciting." I said with a giggle,

"Don't think I forgot about romantic!" He pointed a finger at me before clasping my hand and leading me outdoors onto the driveway to which I was greeted with a sight that made my heart flutter.

The fence had been aligned with fairy lights, the plants and trees and lights in as well, softly glowing and twinkling in the trees. There was also lights that were illuminating the drive away, the car also beaming from its headlamps. I grinned at Christian as he stood with a bouquet of roses which he had produced from the boot of his car.

"Don't mind the rain." He said, beckoning me to come out from under the doorway. I ran up to him, not minding the downpour as it immediately drenched me and I clasped onto Christian. A mix of the scent of aftershave and roses met me with an oddly comforting mix.

"I love you so much Christian this is amazing," I said, nodding to the lights that surrounded us.

"I did it whilst you were setting up the study." He grinned cheekily, I shook my head at his thoughtfulness.

He slowly spun me under his arms and began swaying me side to side, his eyes shining up at the house.

"Dancing in the rain in front our first home with a bouquet of roses, very romantic." I confirmed to him,

"I can make it more romantic." He stated, to which I raised an eyebrow at but instantly melted when he pressed a warm, loving kiss to my lips. The rain slipped down both of our faces but we continued to sway slightly with the kiss until we stopped.

"We should probably go inside before we freeze to death." Christian suggested, I nodded as my teeth began to chatter slightly. We slipped our way down the drive and back into the house where I sighed as Christian shook his wet hair like a dog.

"New painted walls Christian!" I pointed out,

He smiled sheepishly.

I was extremely ready to settle into our new home...

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