• Daniil K •

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I felt the nerves ripple up when it came to the time that Penelope would be staying with Daniil and I for a few weeks. I had the fear that Penelope would be shy around me and refuse to let me hold her, screaming for her mother to come back. Despite now living with and dating her ex me and Kelly got on quite well and she had been more than nice to me, giving me tips on how to keep Penelope happy. I heard the door shut, followed by giggles and Daniil talking excitedly, replying to little babbles of joy and excitement. I turned on the couch to see him holding Penelope who was looking at me with wide eyes. I got up and made my way over, holding out my index finger which Penelope grabbed onto and lightly shook with a giggle.

"She likes you." Daniil whispered, sweetly.

I looked at him, my heart bursting with the look of love in his eyes as he looked at Penelope and I.

"Shall we try and watch a film with her?" He asked, I nodded.

We made our way to the couch, sitting Penelope in between us. This lasted for a short moment before Penelope quickly slid herself of the couch and began rolling about on the soft carpet. I shifted my self to sit beside her and she squealed at the company, thrusting a plush elephant into my hand. For the rest of the night I contently played with Daniils daughter, laughing as she babbled and attempted to sound words at me. Kelly had text me a few days to let us know that Penelope had began to say a word that sounded Elephant, which was no surprise as she always had the pale blue toy clutched against her chest. She had it now, tottering around the lounge as Daniil desperately ran about trying to put baby safety equipment on every surface possible.

In a moment of peace Penelope plopped down on the floor and began to rock the plush from side to side. Daniil collapsed next to me, pulling me up in his arms and leaning back on the soft sofa. Penelope eyed us with curiosity.

"Do you think she understands?" I asked quietly, as Penelope began swiping at her Dads toes.

"Understand what?" Daniil responded, placing a hand up and down my arm.

"That even though your her dad and Kelly is her mum that I'm just...here?"

Daniil laughed softly, and turned to face me; swooping up placing Penelope in his lap as he did so.

"I don't think she understands yet but she will, and you are more than just being here she has loved playing tonight, even Kelly can't get her that excited to play and I've never seen her run about so much."

I beamed at his reply before he continued.

"She might not know it yet but she'll grow up loving you." Daniil said, watching as I flicked through films on the TV. I stopped to turn to him happily,

"Our strange little family." He added, placing a light kiss on my head....

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