• Robert S •

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It was Roberts birthday, he was 21 and it seemed so crazy; after being together since our mid teens this felt so far in the distance. He was having a small meal in his hometown in Russia, only closest friends and family. Robert and I had gotten there a bit earlier than we told his guests to come so we could make sure everything was going to run smoothly. I anxiously ran my hands down the dress I had put on tonight. It was Roberts favourite of mine, seeing as he bought it, and I loved it equally as much so it seemed fitting to wear it. I glanced over at Robert who was deeply scrolling through his phone, reading all the messages and posts wishing him a good day. I went and sat by him, resting my head against his shoulder as he began to twirl my hair in between his fingers,

"You okay?" He muttered, switching his phone off and looking at me with light concern,

"I'm nervous to meet all your family and friends, I've met your mum obviously but apart from that..."  I trailed. off, not wishing my nervous mood to carry on any longer,

Robert chuckled lightly, and whispered lightly in my ear, "Don't worry, everybody will love you, I know I do... if necessary just talk to my parents , my mum adores you."

I giggled lightly and nodded, beaming as he placed a light kiss on my head before standing up to greet a flood of guests who all appeared seemingly at once. I awkwardly hovered by Roberts side; his hand enveloping mine in a reassuring manner. I introduced myself to his guests and offered a few hugs in the hopes of making a good impressions on my boyfriends dearest friends and relatives. After the greetings and everybody had taken their place at the fairly long table the conversations began to flow, Robert was laughing with old school friends whilst his family reminisced on old memories of their young racing relative.

I, however sat silently, my awkwardness strictly prohibiting any conversation topic to leave my mouth. His Mum, who was sat directly opposite me; caught my eye as she sent me a sweet smile before introducing me to the rest of the family,

"This is Roberts pride and joy right here, forget the cars and trophy's, this is his true love."

She grinned, joy lighting up her eyes in the bliss she felt that her son had a girlfriend she approves of, I felt a deep blush dance on my cheeks as his family awed and chuckled in my direction but jumped slightly at the feeling of a warm hand on my knee and Roberts words tumbling softly against my cheek,

"She's not wrong." He grinned, as he pressed a light kiss to my now tomato red face. I just shyly smiled and looked up at Robert, then felt arm popping around the back of my chair and drawing small circles on my shoulder in a comforting and relaxing manner.

After the main meal a large cake was brought to the birthday boy; adorned with candles and sparkles it illuminated his face, creating a honey glow on his features and making his hair shimmer an even more golden brown. I smiled as he happily blew out the candles and beamed at his guests. He looked over at me and chuckled, turning a shy persona on as he saw the multiple phone cameras pointing in his direction. After the cake was moved away he hurriedly made his way over to me, almost trying to hide behind me, yet it didn't work due to the pure difference in height.

"Erm, what are you doing?"

"Hiding, everybody filmed it and I just want to stand here with you." He muttered softly, wrapping his arms around my shoulders; staring deeply into my eyes.

"Awww... just look at them!" He friends began to mock and cheer.

Robert rolled his eyes, pressing a deep but gently kiss to my lips; grinning against the kiss as the group around us cheered at his sudden action. I smiled, lightly kissed back before pulling away.

"Happy Birthday Robert."

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