• George R •

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I felt myself wake up but was determined to keep my eyes closed, as if that would help me stay in this peaceful and silent moment of the morning. The duvet was warm around me and the pillow soft under my head, I rolled over to see if George was awake as well but finding the other side of the bed cold and empty gave me my answer. I looked at the clock on the wall to see the time 4:30AM flash. I couldn't contain the frustrated sigh that left my lips, this was the fourth day in a row that George had left in the morning for the simulator; obviously I was happy he was having a good time with his friends but his new found obsession left the both of us yawning throughout the day as sleep tried to catch up with us. George was on the simulator from the moment he woke up and stayed on it until he was practically falling asleep staring at the screen, when he realised this was happening he would take some shots of coffee from the machine and go straight back to the simulator to start another stream. Despite living in the same house I hadn't properly seen nor spoken to George in about three days.


With all of this in mind I got out of bed and made my way to the spare room where, no surprise, George was playing a game with voices that I matched to Alex and Lando. I wanted to get his attention but if he was streaming I didn't want to just barge in and start talking so I grabbed a notepad and wrote a message on. I opened the door slowly so not to scare him and waved the notepad, when he finally caught onto my presence I stopped waving like a maniac and steadied the notebook so he could read the message,

"It's 4:30AM please come to sleep!"

His eyes quickly scanned the message and he grinned, nodding. I smiled gleefully, finally, George Russel was going to sleep. He quickly spoke in the mic, telling Lando and Alex he was going to bed and that they should probably do the same. He shut down the sim but couldn't find a certain button so asked me to turn on the light; I did as he asked but gasped when I saw the state of the room and George himself. Nine plates were randomly assorted on the floor, a pile of empty water bottles were forming a small mountain in the corner and coffee cups, some left half full were lined up on the windowsill. I turned to scold George but couldn't bring myself to do so:

His eyes were rather dull, the sparking blue seemed to have been evaporated by the red bloodshot lines that were seeping in. His hair was sticking in every which way direction and his brown tones were matching perfectly with the dark circles that were raging under his eyes.

"You look like an extra for the walking dead." I stated.

"George when was the last time you slept?"

"I've been having naps, twenty minutes and stuff."

"When have you last properly slept, it's been three days since I've seen you and I haven't felt you come to bed at all." I said, a slight edge creeping into my voice.

"I'm sorry but the streaming was going so well, the fans were enjoying it!" He protested.

I sighed, trying to figure out what to say next.

"We're you enjoying it?"

"Well...yes but I have missed your properly cooked dinners."

He said with a sheepish smile, his compliment on my cooking was a ploy to try and calm me down...it was working.

"What have you been eating anyway?" I asked, eyeing the plates with disgust,

"Sandwiches, quick and easy things."

"Well how about you come to bed, we go to sleep and I cook you a real meal in the morning, a full English breakfast."

He beamed, some of the sparkle coming back to his eyes,

"Yes please!" His puppy dog smile won me over and we went back to our room, George leading the way after taking my hand into his and bounding up the stairs.

I lay once again in the comfort of the bed and turned to rest against George but scrunched up my nose,

"Forget about sleep when was the last time you had a shower!"

"Oh...erm...well I started streaming on Monday so-"

"George it's Thursday, go have a shower right now!"

He laughed like a naughty child and ran to the en-suite.


Twenty minutes later George flopped onto the bed and pulled me into his side, his shower gel was a comfortingly fresher smell than before and I smiled,

"It's nice to be back here with you." He said softly, the clear hints of sleep wafting into his voice.

"I like having you back here George." I replied but was met with soft snores from a, finally, sleeping George Russel.

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