• Sergio SC •

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It was late evening when Sergio got home after a long day of training, he gave me a quick kiss but went into the dining room straight away, weird, he usually showered me in his love when he got home; must of been a hard day.

"Your mum called me earlier," He said with a seemingly confused look,

"Really, how come?" I questioned, my interest peaked at the news, my Mum adored Sergio but never called him, I only gave him her number in case of emergency.

"She asked if we wanted to come round on Saturday as a surprise party dinner for you with friends and family." He muttered, slowly lowering his knife and fork,

"Well done at keeping that as a surprise Sergio!" I exclaimed, shocked he had revealed the secret practically un-bothered.

"To celebrate ten years of your recovery." He stated, my mouth hung open in slight shock. I went to talk but he continued,

"You see your mum was under the impression that you told me about that last week and was equally as shocked when she find out that I didn't have a clue what illness she was talking about so please do explain." He sat back, I slowly began telling him, whispering , as if it was a scary story, which it is but for me it is real.

"It was like any other day, I was at school with my friends, walking to my next class and then I got so hot, like my body was melting almost and my nose began bleeding and my gums, it was awful, I was just bleeding and boiling at once." I murmured, his eyes widened and he lent forward, I continued,

"My friends were shouting for help and I remember a few of them trying to hold me up but I slipped, landed on the floor and then I don't really remember much until a few days later and I was in the hospital with my parents and they were explaining that I was ill... very ill but I needed to keep fighting and that I could get through it." My voice broke slightly with emotion, Sergio reached his hand across and secured mine in a tight grip, I softly smiled and carried on,

"There was something wrong with my blood, a toxin that needed to flush itself out but didn't do it quick enough which is why I had such a severe reaction. It was touch and go in the hospital, some days I was completely fine...other days not so much."

"Was it a type of cancer almost?" He asked, voice low and eyes glistening.

I nodded slowly in reply,

"Is it all gone now, like completely?" Worry flooding his voice, I gave a small chuckle, and replied,

"Yeah, hence the ten year recovery surprise party." I emphasised the surprise with a small grin,

"Sorry about that babe." He chuckled, standing me up and pulling me tight into his arms.

"Come watch the sunset with me." He stated with a large smile as he slowly began dragging me through the house and to the front door.

"What, the food will get cold and I'm in my pyjamas!"

"Doesn't matter babe and I for one still think you look very pretty." He mused and led me onto the drive and into his car.

After a short car drive we reached a small bench that perched on the top of a hill,

"For all those times you missed the sunset as a girl and a sorry for ruining your surprise party." He whispered in my ear, pulling me onto his lap as the sun slowly lowered itself down behind the clouds,

"Sorry for not telling you." I replied, he lent down and lifted my chin, connecting our lips,

"Love you." I said softly, butterflies swarming after his sweet embrace, he simply kissed me again in response...

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