• Daniel R •

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It had been two days since Dan had announced publicly he was leaving Renault for Mclaren, I had known for a few days before the public announcement but seeing it on my timeline by the Formula One news outlets made it seem very real. It wasn't exactly a secret that Renault hadn't lived up to Dans standards and he had confided in me that he didn't think they would be anywhere near championship ready in the next five years. I fully supported his decision to move and we both agreed Mclaren was a really good option for him and his future. Dan had woken up fairly early so decided to get his training out of the way and was currently in the garden. I could hear the lifting of weights and Dans shoes hitting the floor as he did some jumps and runs. I slipped out of bed and let the sun shine through the room as the blind whizzed up to the top of the window. I made my way downstairs with no extra hurry, it was a peaceful Thursday in lockdown, I didn't have anywhere to be and had finished all my work the night before so decided that I was simply going to relax all day.


I was eating my cereal at the kitchen island when Dan came through in his muddy trainers and sweat drenched workout gear, he opened the fridge and downed the milk straight from the bottle before shaking his curls like that of a dog.

"Dan!" I whined, he wiped around with a mock innocent look,

"What?" He mused,

"The floor is filthy and don't drink milk from the bottle we both use." I said, raising my eyebrows at him.

"What, like I did this morning?" He teased,

"But now it's in my cereal!" I exclaimed, looking down at my cornflakes in dismay.

"I'm joking your cornflakes will be fine." He muttered, as he wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on my shoulder. Usually, I love hugs from Daniel but currently his wet curls stuck to my shoulder and the perfume of a workout in the sun wasn't desirable.

"Have a shower you stink." I said quietly,

"Ouch...I thought you liked my hugs." Dan clasped his hands to his heart dramatically before sending me a cheeky wink and grin and making his way to the bathroom...once again...in muddy shoes.


It had been quite a while since I had heard the shower stop running and Dan make his way back to our room. I tiptoed up the stairs and peaked my head around the door to see him sat up against the headboard scrolling though his phone.

"You okay?" I asked quietly, notching his large eyes held a certain sadness to them,

He jumped at my presence, nodding quickly in response to my question and returning back to his phone. I made my way over to the bed and lay next to him, resting my head on his chest where I could see his phone. Dan wrapped an arm around me and continued to scroll through what I could now identify as twitter.

"I'm just checking people's reactions to my move that's all."

I sighed softly, something Dan did quite often was check on social media for people's reactions to him and his driving. Despite coming across as the confident guy on the track Daniel was different away from the cameras, he couldn't help but seek out others approval and opinions; he liked to please others. A habit I think may have been enforced during his time at redbull.

"Dan you don't need to check how other people have reacted, you did this for you and nobody else." I stated, sitting up so I could look at him.

"I know but some Renault fans think I've been disloyal when I literally put everything into that team and-"

"I know Daniel, and so do you, you put your all into that team, and redbull before it and you will do the same for Mclaren, it only matters what you think in terms of your career, not the angry twitter people!" I gestured with my hands in the aim to get my point across, he chuckled but only half-heartedly.

I waited for a moment before carrying on,

"You did what's best for you and that's what happens in sports, especially one where there is only ten teams to go to and you made the decision to move to Mclaren out of those ten teams. You haven't been disloyal you stuck to what will help your future and, I know I'm not a team boss so this barely means anything but I believe in you Daniel, I always have and I always will." I stated affirmatively.

He pulled me tightly towards him and kissed the top of my head,

"You believing in me is one-million times more meaningful to me than any team boss."

I blushed at his little comment and pecked him on the lips, happy that he was finally happy and ready to start his new journey in Formula One.

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