• Carlos S • (2)

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It was only when I lay down in my hotel room that night when I realised I should of been more prepared to walk out of the house. I had my phone which was slowly draining itself of life, the clothes I currently had on, a jacket and my car. I wondered about going back home to collect some stuff for my brief stay in the hotel before going to stay with my friend for a bit but couldn't bare seeing Carlos again. I sighed as the image of his face pleading with me not to go as I got in the car flashed into my mind.


"Mi amor please, I love you, I said that on our wedding day, we can work this out' He begged with me as he followed me out onto the drive,
"Then why did you ever stop loving me Carlos, tell me that huh? What did I do that made you stop loving me!" I spat back,
"You lost our children!" He replied with an angry snarl.
I stopped, looked him straight in the eyes as a new found hatred began rooting deep in my stomach,
"Y/n I didn't mean th-"
"Go to hell!" And with that I got in the car and sped off.


I crawled under the covers with an empty feeling in my stomach as it began to settle in that Carlos and I were no more. Simply two people that shared an empire like life before it began shattering and crumbling down around them.

I wanted to cry, and scream and just feel happy yet I couldn't, I mean, how could I?

The glaringly silver and white hotel room seemed like an intergalactic location compared to the lovingly and homely bedroom Carlos and I share - the bedside tables just had lamps on them; no holiday pictures where Carlos had me clinging onto him in a piggyback on the beach, both showing bright smiles toward the camera.

The sheets felt cold against my body, causing no comfort just goosebumps, I rolled over and tried to pull a pillow into my body to generate heat and then it hit me.

All the midnight memories of when I got too cold in bed and Carlos would pull me close and hold me to his chest, whispering soothing sweet nothings until I fell asleep, his hand gently pushing my hair back behind my ears.


"Amor, why can't you sleep, it's 1am?"
"I'm cold."
A hand wrapped around my waist and shifted me from my side of the bed until I was partly on the mattress and partly on Carlos. He began sliding a hand up and down my back and stoked my hair with a delicate hand. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and whispered softly, "sleep now amour, I'm here, warming you up." A soft giggle left my lips as his hand in my hair and hand on my back relaxed me into a deep slumber.


Tears began to cascade uncontrollably down my face as my body began racking with sobs, I wanted him now, here, holding me tight telling me he loved me yet I was alone, shaking with emotion. I couldn't leave Carlos behind. Not now, not ever. I grabbed my stuff and raced out of the hotel, hollering a thank you at the receptionist who had a startled look as I slid past. I got in my car and drove all the way home, praying that he would still be there in person but also in heart, ready to carry on our life and see this as one of many bumps in the road.


I padded softly through the hallway, the flashing light of the tv from the lounge guiding me in the dark, I peeked round the door to see him lay on the sofa, snoring softly. I rounded the sofa to be met with quite a mess. Half a dozen crumpled tissues lay on the floor, a couple of empty beer bottles lay against a half eaten bowl of Macaroni and Cheese. On top of the coffee table lay the papers I had shoved into his chest a few hours ago. Tears shone over my eyes as I felt the guilt settle in that I ever considered leaving him.

It was then I noticed that he had wrote on the papers. With a shaking hand I plucked them up off the table and chocked out a sob when I saw what he had wrote,

Does the receiver of my client understand the terms of the divorce at hand?

Yes ✔️ No

Does the receiver wish to to object to the divorce at hand?

Yes No ✔️

The receivers signature will confirm a date to finalise the divorce at hand: until that date is met the receiver and client are still bonded in marriage.
Chosen date: 19/8/19

Receivers signature:

Carlos Sainz Vázquez de Castro Jr

I slammed the papers down and looked up to see Carlos stood by the sofa staring at me.

"You came back." He stated.

"Yes, yes I did because I messed up, I can't leave you, ever, Carlos." I admitted, searching his face for any hint of emotion...

He opened his eyes with a grin,

"Mi amour?"

I cried and ran to him, throwing myself into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist,

"If we rip up the papers none of it counts, the date isn't until the 19th so you're still my husband and I'm still your wife!"

I shouted with glee, he laughed and pressed his lips against mine, holding me tight against his body.

"I'm still your husband and your still my wife."
He confirmed with a grin, walking over and throwing the papers in the bin; me still clinging to his body.

"I love you y/n, I will never do anything like I have done for the past months again, I love you for eternity."

I smiled,

"I love you for eternity."

He grinned and placed a kiss against my lips, slowly heading up the stairs,

"Well wife, lets go confirm this marriage." I squealed as he switched me so he was carrying me bridal position up the stairs and to our bedroom.


Little did we know how that night would end up with us having our very own little living angel 9months later, with the perfect nursery, perfect house , perfect life and obviously prefect helmet design... everything was simply perfect.

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