• Oscar P •

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It was the first day back that Oscar was racing since the lockdown and he was currently bouncing on his feet around the garage. It was him, the minimum possible amount of engineers, the team superiors and me all in the Prema garage with cloth masks covering our mouths which was making conversation quite difficult, something I could tell was agitating Oscar. When Oscar rang me and asked if I wanted to be his plus one to the race I couldn't have said yes quick enough. It had been three months since I had seen Oscar and when I left the airport doors to find him leaning against his car I ran into his arms as he hugged me tightly.

An airport officer told us that contact was not permitted in the airport so the second we were in the car we finally got a kiss to which Oscar followed up with, "Have you missed me...don't answer I know you have missed everybody would miss me!"

However, the anticipation for racing had soon worn off and it dawned on Oscar that he would be back in the car very soon and he turned all of his attention to training, not that I was complaining, watching him do push ups with a morning coffee was a perfect way to start the day in my opinion. I could feel his nerves radiating off him in the garage and it was clearly putting his team on edge as well so I beckoned him over.

"What?" He questioned hotly,

"Charming Oscar, really charming I was wondering if you're okay?" I replied,

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair,

"Sorry y/n...yeah I'm just-" he stopped abruptly and looked around, I went to follow his eyesight but he quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a stack of fires where we were out of eyesight from the team.

"Okay I'm scared I won't be able to drive again." He admitted,

I burst out laughing before slapping a hand over my mouth when I noticed his scowl,

"Of course you'll be able to drive again what do you mean?" I said,

"I know that I'll be able to drive the car again, I meant driving as good as I used to, what if I'm not use to the speed or the corners or the feel of the car or-"

I cut him off and took his hands into mine,

"Oscar you are the best driver on this grid and I know you'll be fine...give it two or three laps and you'll feel right back at home again...you can do this!" I reassured him,

Once again he looked quickly around the garage and when confirming the team were busy with the car he pulled down his mask slightly and pecked me on the nose.

"Thank you y/n...and yeah your right...I'm the best on the grid." He said with a smug grin, one that quickly disappeared under the red and white prema mask.

"There we go I know you're back to usual now." I chirped ,

"Oh yeah, what's usual for me?" He said, I could practically hear the smirk radiating through his voice,

"Over confident and cocky." I replied,

"Oh...I like to call it self- admiration."

With a shake of my head and a large grin I pulled Oscar from behind the tires and pushed him gently toward the car.

"Go get them!"

He grabbed his helmet and put it on, not before sending me a cheeky wink though. I shook my head, this boy will be the death of me!

The end of the day came and I was right, Oscar lead the board for the best time with he teammates following.

"Prema domination today then!" I noted as we drive back to the hotel,

"No...Oscar Piastri domination." He boasted,

"I should have never given you that pep talk"

"Oh don't lie you just love me and my-"


I finished his saying off for him...

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