Chapter 1 Janja Strikes

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Welcome to this KionXReader, every time you See Y/N P.O.V, that is your character so come up with a female lion cub name to feel the story.  Their isn't Much Y/N yet this chapter is just establishing some background information before. Leave any comments or suggestions that would help for future chapters Enjoy.

Its another beautiful day in the pride lands. The lion guard are in the lair waiting for Ono to return with some news.

"Zuka Zama" Bunga yells as he does a cannon ball into Beshte's pool splashing water around and getting water on Fuli.

"Seriously! Bunga" Fuli saids in an annoyed way as she starts to Shake the water off her fur.

As Fuli shakes off the water the guard just laughs and continue waiting.

"Sorry Fuli" Bunga apologies

"Its fine..Its just water" Fuli saids sarcastically as she walks towards Kion.

"What's wrong Kion" Fuli asks

"Its just odd how Janja hasn't come back to the pride lands to cause trouble" Kion replies

"Maybe we finally scared them off" Bunga said proudly.

But right after Bunga said that Ono comes flying down.

"Hapana Its Janja and the hyenas" Ono saids in a worried voice.

"You were saying"Fuli said with a little smile.

"What is it Ono" Kion asks as he stands.

"They're stampeding Some gazelles" Ono states.

"Ok, lead the way Ono, come on Lion Guard" Kion saids as he runs for the entrance.

As Kion reaches the entrance he saids,
"Till the pride lands end"

"Lion Guard Defend" Beshte, Ono, Bunga, and Fuli replied, as they follow Kion outside.

As the lion Guard follow Ono they can see the stampede.

"Whats The plan Kion" Bunga asks

"Fuli and Ono you two calm the herd, while me, Beshte, and Bunga deal with Janja and the hyenas" Kion saids as he runs faster

'You heard him lets go, Huwezi" Fuli yelled as she runs

The lion guard split up Ono and Fuli heading towards the herd, while Kion, Beshte, and Bunga head towards the hyenas.

"Hyenas" Bunga yells as he tackles Cheezi.

'Janja its the Lion Guard" Chungu tells Janja as he runs beside him.

"I can see that furbrain" Janja saids in a sarcastic way

"Twende Kiboko" Beshte yells, as he sends Janja and Chungu flying and land on Cheezi.

As Janja tries to get up Kion is right infront of him.

"Janja how many times do we have to tell you, get out of the pride lands" Kion Saids as he growls at them.

"We...Were..Uh....Just leaving lets go boys" Janja saids in a quick and worried way.

In that Moment the hyenas ran as fast as they could towards the outlands

"Kion, the gazelles are calmed down" Fuli saids as she races over.

"What about the hyenas" Ono asks

"You missed it Ono, Kion did his fierce growl and they ran away" Bunga answers. "

"Good Work Everybody lets head back to the lair" Kion tells the guard as they all turn around walking back towards pride rock.

Janja P.O.V
Stupid Kion, stupid lion guard protecting the pride lands, now I'm  even more hungry. Just you wait Kion we'll get you eventually.

"Hey Janja" Chungu saids

"What furbrain" Janja answers annoyed.

"Look over there" Cheezi exclaims.

As Junja Looks he see a lion cub who washed up in the outlands.

Im cold, weak, my leg is bleeding, and my paws hurt. I said in a weak tone while I continued shivering I tried to look up, all I saw was two blurry figures.

Help.......Me.....please... I said before passing out.

"Can we eat it" Chungu and Chezzi say as they approach Y/N.

"No!! stop furbrains" Janja saids as he leaps past them.

Janja takes a look at Y/N

"First off its a her, second were not going to eat her, can't you see this is how we get back at Kion and the lion guard" Janja states as he gives a evil grin.

"Grab her furbrains, we'll bring her back to the den, and I'll tell you my plan for her" as Janja finished his sentence he continued to give an evil grin  then started to laugh in an evil way.

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