Chapter 12 Heartbroken

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As Simba ran to pride rock to see Nala and Kiara to tell them what has happened, the lion guard head back to the lair depressed.

"Did you find Kion?" Makini asked.

"We did but he fell into an earthquake, "Ono said saddened.

"WHAT," Makini said shocked, the guard gathered around Makini and told her how things went down.

Meanwhile in Pride rock

Simba walks into the den and Nala and Kiara notice Simba but he's acting differently.

"Dad where's Kion," Kiara asked.

Simba paused to look at Nala and Kiara

"He......He........" Simba said hesitantly.

"He what Simba," Nala asked.

"There was an earthquake......and.......Kion......fell in" Simba said heartbroken.

"No," Nala said in disbelief.

As Simba said that Kiara ran into Simbas Chest and started crying her eyes out, Nala hugs both Simba and Kiara and as a family, they all comfort each other and hope Kion is alright.

In the lair

Fuli goes in front of the lion guard,

"We can't just sit here and do nothing I say we search for Kion," Fuli said looking at the lion guard.

"Where would we search" Beshte asked.

"We could start where it happened at Flat Ridge Rock" Ono suggested.

"I'm coming with you," Simba said standing behind the guard.

The guard quickly turned and saw Simba standing behind them,

"Are you sure your Majesty?" Bunga asked.

"I want to help find my son, I already told Nala and she said she'll watch Kiara, as I help you search," Simba said.

"Ok Lion guard, your Majesty shall we," Fuli said heading for the exit.

"Forgetting something Fuli, Bunga said.

Fuli looked at the guard and smiled as she said,

"Till the pride lands end"

"Lion Guard defend," they said as they followed Fuli outside the lair and they left heading towards Flat Ridge Rock.

A Few Moments Later At Flat Ridge Rock

Janja, Jasiri, Mzingo, the vultures, and hyenas have all reached Flat Ridge Rock.

"The hole was just over here," Janja said, but after he said that Fuli came in and slammed into Janja.

"JANJA Why are you here," Simba asked with a loud tone.

The lion guard was about to attack Janja until Jasiri ran and stood in front of the lion guard.

"Jasiri what are you doing?" Fuli asked.

"Janja is here to help," Jasiri said.

The lion guard and Simba look at each other,

"You expect us to believe that," Simba said.

"I know, at first I didn't agree but you need to hear the full story," Jasiri said.

Jasiri started explaining everything Mzingo told her about Y/N and how Janja wants to change.

"Wait so that lion I saw fall in with Kion was Y/N," Ono asked Janja.

"Yes," Janja said getting up.

Lion Guard Unknown Love [Kion X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now