Chapter 22 Love Will Find A Way

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Meanwhile In The Lion Guard Lair

It's the next Morning and Kion feels something Nuzzling him, Kion slowly turns his head and opens his eyes slowly and he quickly jumps with excitement, "Y/N" Kion said excitedly nuzzling her back. Y/N laughed a little, "I missed you too Kion" Y/N purred as they nuzzled. Kion looked at Y/N in the eyes as their noses touched they both smiled at each other, "Don't do that again I was so worried" Kion said hugging Y/N. "I'm sorry I couldn't let them hurt you Kion" Y/N replied licking Kion on the nose. Kion blushed and then smiled and they both kissed. After that Kion sat back down and nuzzled with Y/N, "How are you feeling" Kion asked, "I still feel a little pain but you beside me helps me ignore it" Y/N said. Y/N turns her head and sees Jasiri, then Janja still sleeping, "What happened to Janja" Y/N said worriedly. Kion looked at Y/N, "Janja, Jasiri, and Mzingo went into the outlands to get a flower that healed you but on their way back they were attacked Janja saved Jasiri but got hurt in the process, but Rafiki and Makini said he'll be fine he needs to rest" Kion explained.

 Y/N P.O.V

After everything I've been through I've never been happier Kion makes me so happy he is so cute. He laid with me the entire time and I love him even more for that, and Janja helped save me again, and he saved Jasiri.

As Y/N thought, Kion had his head inside Y/N chest feeling her warmth because he was overjoyed Y/N was fine. As Y/N was happy about Kion she pets Kion's mane with her paw and they both kept nuzzling enjoying each others company. Y/N lifted her paws on Kion chin so they were at eye level, "I love you so much Kion" Y/N professed. Kion smiled and looked at Y/N in the eyes as well, "I'm glad we crossed paths, I love you too" Kion purred nuzzling Y/N's head. As Kion and Y/N nuzzled they heard a yawn and they quickly looked and saw Jasiri stretching and yawning. "Morning Jasiri," Y/N said softly smiling, Jasiri looked and saw Y/N awake and her face was amazed, "You're awake that's amazing" Jasiri praised. "Thank You Jasiri for everything" Kion and Y/N said thanking Jasiri for helping. "It wasn't just me," Jasiri said as she turned to look at Janja. Y/N frowned a little until Kion nuzzled Y/N to reassure her, "Kion can we get food" Y/N asked smiling. "Of course I can go..." Kion was about to say, "No we're going together plus I want to exercise my leg" Y/N interrupted. "But your leg," Kion said concerned, "You'll help me walk silly" Y/N teased. Kion smiled and helped Y/N up Kion acted as a support beam for Y/N as they walked together outside the Lair, "See you later Jasiri" Y/N and Kion called before leaving. As they left Jasiri smiled and looked back at Janja, "How do I tell him" Jasiri thought to herself.

"" Janja mumbled in his sleep, Jasiri ears opened as she heard Janja and she looked at Janja who was having a dream. "Janja" Jasiri said quietly, "JASIRI!!" Janja yelled raising his head and panting hard. Jasiri fell back surprised but quickly got up and went towards Janja, "Janja I'm here" Jasiri reassured coming close. Janja still panting turned and saw Jasiri, his eyes widen and he looks away and clears his throat, "Are you okay Janja" Jasiri asked concerned. "It...was...just...a.....dream" Janja stuttered to say. "It didn't look like that, you said my name and told me to watch out" Jasiri explained. Janja shook his head and put his head inside his paws, "It was nothing" Janja answered. "Why did you do that Janja," Jasiri asked, Janja raised his head and turned his head but when he turned Janja and Jasiri noses touched Jasiri backed up and Janja looked down blushing. Jasiri blushed too but she saw Janja blush, Jasiri walks to Janja and nuzzles his side. 

Janja ears raise and Janja was surprised he turned to look at Jasiri in the eyes, "Janja you saved me, and Y/N" Jasiri added smiling at Janja. Janja continued to stare at Jasiri in the eyes and smile, "Jasiri...It's...because....I...Um" Janja said stuttering to let out his answer. But Jasiri went close and licked his cheek, "I love you Janja" Jasiri whispered. Janja looked at Jasiri and smiled and his eyes widen again, "You do" Janja asked. "I do" Jasiri replied. Janja smiled and then Jasiri and Janja nuzzled each other and Janja tail wagged as they nuzzled showing each other their feelings.

Meanwhile At The Watering Hole

Kion helped Y/N walk all the way to the watering hole so they could eat some fruit and drink water, "Are you happy now" Kion asked smiling. Y/N looked up at Kion, "whenever I'm with you I'm always happy" Y/N purred as she cuddled with Kion. "Y/N!" "Kion!" Bunga called from behind them, as Y/N and Kion look the lion guard was here. "Hey Guys" Kion greeted, the Lion Guard gathered with Y/N and Kion, Fuli took a step forward, "Umm Kion" Fuli grunted trying to get Kion attention. Kion realized what Fuli was saying, "Right, Y/N meet the lion guard the cheetah is Fuli, the honey badger is Bunga, the hippo is Beshte, and the egret is Ono" Kion introducing everyone on the Lion Guard. Y/N looked confused, "This is the Lion Guard, Kion you're the only Lion," Y/N said. Bunga looked at Y/N, "Yeah we get that a lot that's why Kion is so special" Bunga explained. Y/N smiled looking at them all, "Nice to meet all of you" Y/N said happily. Bunga walks towards Y/N, "So your Kion's girlfriend the one he can't stop talking about" Bunga joked. Kion nudged Bunga causing him to fall in the water and Kion was embarrassed, Y/N laughed and then the Lion Guard laughed. Bunga's head pops out of the water, "Was it something a said" Bunga joked. Everyone just smiled and laughed while Kion sat blushing, Y/N nuzzled Kion and they both smiled and laughed.


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