Chapter 33 FIRE!

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Character List:

(Lion Guard) Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga, Ono

(Pride Landers) Ma Tembo, Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Makini, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, Hyenas, Mzingo, Vultures

(Villians) Scar, Zira, Shupavu, Skinks, Ushari, Kenge, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Jackals, Kirburi, Crocodiles, Kovu, Vitani, Nuka, Outsiders

Kion, Y/N, Ono, and Mzingo were all almost there and they all reunited with the Lion Guard, "Mzingo go find Janja, Jasiri, and the Hyenas and tell them to meet us at the Lair" Kion ordered. Mzingo nodded and flew away heading to the Hyena den. "Kion it's only Nuka" Ono explained, "I know Ono but we can't be too careful" Kion suggested. The Lion Guard and Y/N stop as they see Nuka outside their lair, "NUKA!" Kion shouted. Nuka turned and was surprised to see the entire Guard and Y/N here. Bunga jumped forward. "It's over Nuka" Bunga explained happily, Nuka smiled evilly, "Well you can't stop me from getting into your lair," Nuka remarked running into the Lion Guard lair.

"Why would he run into the Lair," Beshte asked curiously, Kion looks at Beshte "Not sure but can't be good" Kion insisted. Kion, Y/N, and The Lion Guard all followed Nuka inside. As they go inside out of the grass Kirburi, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, and Zira come out dropping some leaves and wood at the entrance. Zira looks at the others, "We need more if we want the royal family, and The Lion Guard to feel the heat" Zira ordered. They all nodded and left to get more wood, and leaves.

Inside The Lion Guard Lair

They have been chasing Nuka for several minutes, "How long do I have to keep distracting them" Nuka thought, Nuka quickly ducked from Bunga's tackle. But Fuli quickly ran in front of Nuka stopping him in his tracks. Nuka tripped and rolled hitting the wall, "Ow that hurt" Nuka said rubbing his head. "Nuka why are you here," Kion asked but before Nuka did anything Nuka noticed fire behind Kion at the entrance. Nuka quickly got up and ran past Kion, knocking Kion down and Nuka jumped over the fire. As Bunga tried to follow Nuka, the fire raised igniting the fire causing the entire entrance ti lought on fire. Everyone gasped and backed up as they saw the fire spreading.

Outside The Liar

Nuka panted and was shocked and surprised to see how he was almost trapped, "I thought the plan was to burn everything,  after I was done," Nuka thought. Nuka heard someone coming and he dived into the grass hiding. Goi Goi came out of the grass watching and Kirburi was behind him, "Come on Goi Goi our mission is done tomorrow morning, Kion, Y/N, The Lion Guard, The Royal Family, and Nuka will be dead" Kirburi smiled evilly as Goi Goi and Kirburi left heading back to the outlands. When they were gone Nuka came out, "But Scar told me to go in," Nuka thought and then it clicked, "They wanted to kill me," Nuka thought. "Must get help" Nuka told himself but before he left he stopped, "Wait..the pride landers won't trust me, and I can't trust Mother or Scar's army.....Hmmm....Wait I know who can help" Nuka was thinking.

Outside Pride Rock

The Pride Lander all run and back away as the entire perimeter lights on fire, "OH NO!!" Ma Tembo trembled in fear as they watched Pride Rock burning. Mzingo, Jasiri, Janja, and the hyenas were shocked to see Pride Rock on fire. "MZINGO FIND THE ROYAL FAMILY" Jasiri and Janja yelled. Mzingo and the vultures tried to fly over the fire to look, "JASIRI! We see them there on the edge of pride rock, Simba, Nala, and Kirara. Janja and Jasiri were horrified hearing that news.

Inside The Lair

Y/N was coughing and Kion was hugging Y/N, "Everyone don't breath in the smoke" Kion explained. Everyone covered their mouths trying to avoid breathing the smoke, Bunga was trying t splash the water from Beshte pool onto the flames put it was just getting on Fuli. "BUNGA!" Fuli shouted, "Sorry Fuli" Bunga apologized coughing. Kion looked at Ono, "Ono go to pride rock and make sure my family is ok and help get them to safety" Kion ordered. "Affirmative" Ono replied flying above out of the lair seeing the fire.

"ONO" Mzingo shouted flying to Ono, "Mzingo where is the royal family," Ono asked. Mzingo led the way to the top of pride rock and Ono and Mzingo landed near the royal family. "Are you okay your majesty?" Mzingo asked. "Just a little occupied" Simba answered. Mzingo looked at the Royal Family, "Don't worry that's why we're here" Mzingo stated as the vultures flew down picking up Kiara. "BE CAREFUL" Nala called, "WOAH!" Kiara yelled surprised how they were picking her up and flying her to safety. "Don't worry your majesty we'll get you out of here" Ono promised. "Thanks, Ono and Mzingo" Simba, and Nala thanked.


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