Chapter 27 Y/N's Fear

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Enjoy This Chapter another Chapter will be posted Today.....

Character List:

(Lion Guard) Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga, Ono 

 (Pride Landers) Ma Tembo, Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Makini, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, Hyenas, Mzingo, Vultures 

(Villians) Scar, Zira, Shupavu, Skinks, Ushari, Kenge, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Jackals, Kirburi, Crocodiles, Kovu, Vitani, Nuka, Outsiders

Jasiri and Kion quickly roll to their sides dodging the Lionesses, as Kion dodges he looks up and sees Zira heading for the Lion Guard lair.  "Jasiri we need to get past these Lionesses to hep Y/N and Janja" Kion insisted. But as Kion said that  Lionesses jump down ready to fight Kion and Jasiri, but as the Lionesses were ready Kion and Jasiri stood beside each other ready to take them on. "You really think you can fight us" A Lioness growled at Kion, "We're not afraid of you" Kion growled back.

Meanwhile At Ndefu Grove

The Jackals were knocked back by Fuli, Bunga, and the vultures, "It's over Rei Rei" Bunga advised. But as Bunga said that Kirburi, the crocodiles, and Kenge came to the Jackals aid. "Fuli were outnumbered" Bunga stated, Fuli Bunga and the vultures prepare to fight but suddenly the hyenas along with Ono arrive and side with Fuli and Bunga. "Now it's a fair fight" A vulture mentioned, "How's pride rock," Fuli asked looking at Ono. "Kion and Jasiri ran to pride rock to see if they are in trouble" Ono reported. "We need to help them" Bunga insisted, "That will be hard Bunga we have to deal with Scars army we can't let them destroy the pride lands" Fuli explained. But after Fuli said that Scar's army charged meaning Fuli and the Lion Guard had to stop them so they charged back until both Scar's army and the Lion Guard fought.

Meanwhile At The Flood Plains

Beshte was still sitting due to the venom while Mzingo flew around watching Beshte, "Beshte!" Mtoto shouted running to Beshte. Mtoto ran to Beshte seeing if he's fine, "Don't worry Mtoto I'll be fine" Beshte reassured the young elephant. But as Beshte talked to Mtoto, Ma Tembo came over with Zito and Mtoto mom. "Beshte what happened," Ma Tembo asked, "Long story short pride lands were attacked by Scar's army and I got bit and my leg is paralyzed but the venom will wear off" Beshte explained to the elephants. As Beshte explained Mzingo flew down in a hurry, "Beshte we got a problem" Mzingo mentioned. "What's wrong Mzingo," Beshte asked, "There is trouble at Pride Rock, Kion and Jasiri are in trouble they are being attacked by Lions and I saw Zira" Mzingo explained. "ZIRA!" Beshte and the elephants say in shock, "Warn the Lion Guard Mzingo" Beshte ordered. 

"I would Beshte but they are all busy fighting Scar's army at Ndefu grove" Mzingo reported. "We'll help" Ma Tembo interrupted, Beshte and Mzingo looked at Ma Tembo, "I'll gather the pride landers and we will help defend" Ma Tembo offered. "That be great, Mzingo follow Ma Tembo and then lead them to the Lion Guard" Beshte ordered. "What about you" Mzingo asked. Mtoto and his mom step forward, "We'll stay with Beshte" Mtoto offered. After that Mzingo, Ma Tembo, and Zito left running to find the Pride Landers.

Meanwhile at Pride Rock

Kion and Jasiri were knocked back from the Lionesses, Kion looks up and see more Lionesses come. "They keep coming" Kion stated helping Jasiri up, "There are too many of them Kion" Jasiri stated. "I know Jasiri but we can't give up," Kion said feeling exhausted from the attacks. A Lioness charged at Kion knocking him down, "Kion!" Jasiri called. Jasiri was going to help Kion until two Lionesses jumped on her and had her pinned. A Lioness was on top of Kion, "Any last words Cub" The Lioness threatened raising her claw up ready to strike. Kion tried to get out of the hold but the Lioness grip was too strong. "LEAVE MY SON ALONE!!" Simba shouted tackling the Lioness on top of Kion.

Kion quickly got up and saw his Dad and Mom here but more Lionesses followed, "I thought you were supposed to take care of them" A Lioness scoffed to another Lioness. "They heard Kion's cry and they bolted away" The Lioness reported. There were 10 lionesses in front of Simba, Nala, Kion, and Jasiri "Are you two alright" Nala asked. "Were fine" Jasiri and Kion replied at the same time. "Dad we need to get to the Lair" Kion insisted, "I know Son, Janja, Y/N and Kiara are in there" Simba revealed. Kion eyes widen hearing that Kiara was also in there, "We have to do something" Jasiri suggested. After Jasiri said that Simba, Nala, Kion, and Jasri take their stances at the Lionesses prepare to attack them. Then, both sides charged at each other ready to fight one another.

Meanwhile In The Lion Guard Lair

Zira enters the lair and sees her two Lionesses had Janja and Kiara pinned down, Zira then noticed Vitani and Nuka had Y/N cornered. Vitani and Nuka move so there mother could look at Y/N, "You must be Y/N we meet again" Zira smiled evilly. Y/N looked at Zira and felt shivers when she heard her voice, Y/N was thinking and she was scared straight because she knew that voice. Zira put her paw on Y/N chin to lift her head so they could look into each other's eyes, "I don't think you remember me" Zira said. Y/N eyes widen and she's having a flashback to her past, she was remembering what happened before Y/N fell in the water. She saw a Lioness and then she fell in the water.

Y/N backed up in fear until she hit the wall, "You were there, You killed my parents" Y/N cried in fear and horror. Zira smiled evilly, "Yes Y/N I Was there and I killed your parents" Zira repeated smiling evilly. 


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