Chapter 7 AMBUSH

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As Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu are near the border of the outlands Mzingo flys above Janja.

"Do you see her Mzingo?" Janja asked.

"Sorry Janja I don't see her," Mzingo said.

"well look, If you see her let me know immediately," Janja said aggressively.

Meanwhile with Y/N

She is at Flat ridge rock heading back to the outlands, that was close" Y/N said to herself. But before she went back she heard Janja, Y/N ran back to see where he was.

"Why are you here Janja," Kion said as he growled at Janja.

"I don't need to tell you, get him boys" Janja yelled.

Chungu and Cheezi charge at Kion, Kion hit Chungu back but Cheezi attacks from behind knocking Kion down. Cheezi is on top of Kion.

"We got him, boss" Chungu saids happy. Kion tries to get out but he is pinned down.

"Any last words Cub" Janja said giving an evil smirk.

I do Janja.......Till the pride Lands End," Kion yelled...

"LION GUARD DEFEND" Someone yelled behind Chungu. Then Beshte came in and hit both Chungu and Cheezi off of Kion. "Am I glad to see you?" Kion said as he looks around him and sees the lion guard are here. 

"Your outnumbered Janja" Kion said growling.

"That's what you think Kion," Janja said smiling.


Behind the Lion guard Rei Rei and the jackals appear, on the left were Kirburi and his crocodiles, on their right were Mzingo and his vultures, and in front of the lion guard were Janja, Chungu, and Cheezi. But as Janja looked behind him the rest of his pack was here. 

"Kion were, outnumbered," Ono said concerned.

Lion Guard we can do this" Kion said smiling.

Fuli you're on Jackals, Beshte you're on crocodiles, Bunga and Ono Vultures, Janja and the hyenas are mine" Kion said.

"Right" The guard replied.

"ATTACK" Janja ordered, The jackals, crocodiles, vultures, and hyenas charged. As they charged the lion guard formed a circle and attacked their targets and the battle began.


I was back in the tall grass, I looked up and saw Janja I was happy but I saw Kion was in front of Him. Next thing I knew it the rest of the lion guard showed up and all of Janjas allies ambushed the lion guard. All I could think about was what if Janja gets hurt or Kion. Wait....why am I worried about Kion he is the enemy even if he's kinda cute then all I heard was Janja yell.

"ATTACK" Janja ordered, The jackals, crocodiles, vultures, and hyenas charged.

I gotta help Janja Y/N thought to herself, Y/N laid low in the grass and crawled towards Janja and Kion.

Hope You Enjoyed this chapter find out how the battle goes down in the next chapter coming tomorrow.

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