Chapter 5 The Nightmare

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As sunlight entered the hyena den Janja opened his eyes to see Y/N sleeping in his body still.

"Um...Janja," Chungu said confused standing behind Janja

Janja turned his head a little to see Chungu.

"Quiet Furbrain, Y/N is sleeping," Janja said softly.

"Sorry, Boss" Chungu said.

"Do me a favor Furbrain wake up the others and try and gather some fruit so we can all eat later" Janja told Chungu.

"sure thing Janja" Chungu replied.

After Chungu woke up the others they all left to gather food, while Janja started to stroke Y/N Fur and she started to purr.


Mom.......Dad, I said as I saw them walking away I followed them..... then two lionesses jumped on my parents. My mom and Dad turned to look at me, Y/N RUN RUN AND NEVER COME BACK my parents yelled before I saw them killed in front of my eyes. I let tears form and run down my face. The lionesses saw me, I ran to get away. I kept running until there was a river in the middle of my way, Oh no dead-end I thought. Where are you going my dear a voice said. As I was about to turn it hit me into the river and I hit a rock.

Y/N woke up from the nightmare and started shivering and crying.

"What happened," Janja asked concerned as he saw Y/N crying.

Y/N put her face into Janja's chest and started crying on him, as she cried Janja quickly put one paw on her back stroking her fur. It's ok I'm here cry as much as you want Janja said as he hugged Y/N.

"It was awful, "Y/N said as she kept crying on Janja.

"Hey look at me," Janja said calmy.

Y/N looked at Janja while tears were going down her face.

"We will protect you, nothing will hurt you anymore I promise, I'm here for you," Janja said sincerely.

Janja looked at Y/N in the eyes and continued stroking her Fur. Y/N looked back at Janja and smiled, She laid back down and Janja laid down beside her. Y/N was curled up into a ball inside Janja's body.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Janja asked.

As Y/N wiped her tears she told Janja about her nightmare.

A few moments later......

"I'm sorry to hear that Y/N," Janja said as he puts his paw on Y/N head.


I let out a purr and I stopped crying a little. As I was calming down I rubbed my head against Janja's body and I felt calmer, and I fell back to sleep.

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