Chapter 17 Pride Landers Unite

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While Kion and Y/N were resting everyone else was outside talking, "With Scar still out there he is planning something evil" Fui said looking at everyone. Simba walked over to look at the hyenas, and vultures, "As of today Janja, Jasiri, and Mzingo your pride landers now," Simba said looking at them. They smiled and looked at the others, "Mzingo can you do some recon and see what Scar is doing at the volcano," Janja asked looking at Mzingo. "Sure thing Janja" Mzingo replied before he flew up, "Ono go with Mzingo another set of eyes wouldn't hurt," Fuli said looking at Ono. "Affirmative" Ono said flying up and following Mzingo, Simba looked at Fuli, "Fuli could you and the rest of the lion guard assemble the Pride Landers and bring them back to pride rock I need to tell them what's coming," Simba asked looking at Fuli and the Lion Guard. Fuli looked back at Simba, "Of course you Majesty" after Fuli said that the Lion guard left to assemble the pride landers.

Meanwhile Inside The Lair

Kion heard someone walk in and he looked up and saw Janja, Janja looked at Kion "Sorry Kion I was seeing if you guys were ok" Janja said turning around. "Janja wait," Kion said stopping Janja, "What's up Kion," Janja asked. "Come sit maybe we should talk", Janja walked over and sat in front of Kion and Y/N. "I should apologize," Kion said looking at Janja, "Kion you shouldn't apologize we were the greedy ones" Janja admitted. "Kion puts his paw on Janja shoulder, "I'm glad to see you change," Kion said smiling. "I had some help," Janja said smiling looking at Y/N.

As Janja and Kion smiled Ono came flying in, "Janja its time" Ono said looking at Janja. "Time for what," Kion asked, Ono, looked at Kion, "Your father is telling the pride landers about the hyenas and vultures", Ono explained to Kion. Kion looked at Janja, "Good Luck" Kion said resting his head. Janja and Ono left heading towards pride rock. As all the animals gathered around pride rock many of them had faces of shock and were whispering about why the hyenas and vultures are here. Simba walks up to the top of pride rock, "Pride landers I know you have many questions so today we are here to answer those questions, so who would like to start" Simba said leading to his question. "Why are the hyenas and Vultures here?" A Zebra asked, "For those who don't know my son and another lioness were in danger from Scar and his forces these hyenas and Vultures helped us save them," Simba said looking out to everyone. The animals looked at each other with different looks, some were confused, some couldn't believe it, and some were smiling. "They will be staying in the pride lands, not as outlanders but as pride landers" Simba announced. The animals gasped in shock, "Your Majesty they have attacked us multiple times" A Gazelle said. "I know it may seem odd but they have truly changed I have thought about it along with the lion guard," Simba said. Before any other animal said anything Ma Tempo stepped forward to look at the animals, "I trust the king if Simba said they can be trusted then I agree with the King" Ma Tembo said smiling at everyone. One by one the animals started to agree with Simba and Ma Tembo. "Welcome To The Pride Lands," Simba said looking at the hyenas and Vultures.

Making this one a little short Next One Is Coming Out Tuesday,

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