Chapter 4 A Cold Night

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My body was feeling better thanks to the hyenas, but I still felt a little pain in my leg. I looked around and saw the hyenas scattered around sleeping. But as I looked I saw Janja sleeping alone. I couldn't sleep because It was cold, and I was kinda afraid. I tried to get to Janja but my leg hurt, I let out a little grunt.

Janja woke up after he heard a sound, "Cub what are you doing, and why are you trying to walk, your leg is still injured" Janja said concerned.

"Sorry I woke you, I had trouble sleeping its cold," Y/N said as she shivered and looked at Janja.

Y/N looked at Janja, "could.....I.....sle...wit...tonight" Y/N mumbled.

"Could you what" Janja questioned in confusion.

"Could I sleep with you?" Y/N asked kinda embarrassed.

Janja stopped to process what she asked, Janja smiled and he walked towards her and layed down with his body open. Y/N smiled and she crawled into Janja's body, Y/N laid her head on Janja's body while the rest of her body was curled inside Janja's body. Janja felt awkward at first but as he felt Y/N head nuzzle against his body he was calm.

"How do you feel now," Janja asked as he laid his head on the ground.

"Warm and safer, thank you Janja," Y/N said as she continued to nuzzle.

"so want to tell me your name now," Janja asked as his eyes were closed.

"I'm Y/N" she answered.

Just to let you know you can trust me, my pack, and Mzingo. Janja said.

"Maybe your right" Y/N said as she started to close her eyes.

It was silent for a few mintues.

"I'll admit it, Your alright cub you're alright," Janja said as he waited for a response.

Y/N, Y/N, Janja said softly.

As Janja opened his eyes to look at Y/N he saw she was already asleep, Janja let out a small smile. Before Janja went back to sleep he put his paw on Y/N back and stroked or back. She let out a little purr, Janja put his head down and continue petting Y/N until he fell asleep.

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