Chapter 23 Trouble In The Pride Lands

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As the Lion Guard, Kion, and Y/N laughed, Mzingo came flying in landing on the tree behind them, "Lion Guard we got a......Y/N Your awake" Mzingo was saying before seeing Y/N. Y/N smiles at Mzingo, "Nice to see you too" Y/N said smiling at Mzingo. "Is something wrong Mzingo?" Kion asked. Mzingo realized why he came, "Right...I saw the Jackals near Nedfu grove" Mzingo reported. Kion looks at Fuli, "Fuli lead the guard and stop the Jackals I'll bring Y/N back and I'll come help" Kion explained as he went to Y/N's side. "Right Kion" Fuli agreed, "Till The Pride Lands End!" Fuli yelled, "Lion Guard Defend!" Everyone responded as they followed Mzingo to find the Jackals. 

As The Lion Guard was running Ono hears something, "HELP!" Someone cried, Ono looks to the right and uses his vision to see what's going on. "HAPANA!" Ono shouted, Fuli turned and stopped to look at Ono, "What's wrong Ono," Fuli asked. "Kiburi and his float are attacking animals at the Flood Plains" Ono reported. "Oh No" Beshte replied, Fuli looked at The Lion Guard, Beshte go to the flood plains, Bunga and Ono with me to Ndefu grove, Mzingo go find the hyenas and tell them to help Beshte at the flood plains" Fuli ordered. Everyone agreed, Fuli, Ono, and Bunga went to Ndefu grove, while Beshte went to the Flood plains, and Mzingo went to find the hyenas.

Meanwhile In The Lion Guard Lair

Janja and Jasiri were talking until they noticed Y/N and Kion walk in, "Janja!" Y/N cried happily, "Kid!" Janja cried back. As Janja and Y/N limped to get to each other they nuzzled and hugged, "I'm glad your safe" Janja said relieved. Y/N smiled, "I'm glad you're safe too,"  Y/N said relived. Kion and Jasiri smiled, "JASIRI!" Mzingo yelled flying in, "What is it Mzingo," Jasiri asked aware of Mzingo's presence. "Fuli, Ono, and Bunga went to deal with the Jackals but Beshte and the Hyenas need help at the flood plains" Mzingo reported. "What happened," Kion asked looking at Mzingo. "Kiburi and Crocodiles" Mzingo replied. Jasiri and Kion looked at each other, "Let's Go" Jasiri said. "Y/N and Janja stay here we'll be back," Kion and Jasiri said before running out of the lair with Mzingo.

Meanwhile At Ndefu Grove

The Galagos were running from the Jackals, "Come on Kiddies" Rei Rei encouraged as her pups chased Laini and the galagos. Rei Rei and Goi Goi lead their children in the attack, "That's Enough Jackals!" Fuli shouted as Fuli and Bunga stood on the hill with Ono flying. "Scar was right," Goi Goi said to Rei Rei, "Quiet Goi Goi" Rei Rei barked before knocking Goi Goi down. "Ono lead Laini and the Galagos to safety, Bunga we'll deal with the Jackals. Ono flies down to help Laini while Bunga and Fuli fought the Jackals. "Your outnumbered" Goi Goi bragged, As Fuli and Bunga stood they were surrounded by Jackals, "Umm Fuli," Bunga said backing up. "End of the line" Rei Rei barked preparing to attack. But before Rei Rei attacked Mzingo and The Vultures dived down attacking The Jackals. "Asante Mzingo" Fuli thanked attacking Goi Goi, "It's our pleasure," Mzingo said attacking a Jackal.

Meanwhile At The Flood Plains

Beshte was surrounded by Crocodiles but all the animals escaped, "Well were eating hippo tonight" Kirburi preached to his float. "KIRBURI!" Kion yelled before headbutting Kirburi sending him into the water. Beshte looked and saw Kion, Jasiri, and The Hyenas were here, "Kion watch out" Beshte called, Kion quickly backed up and Kenge The Monitor Lizard missed his bite. "Kenge!" Kion growled, "Urgh You'll be mine Cub" Kenge scoffed. "Jasiri and Hyenas you're on crocodiles, Beshte we'll deal with Kenge" Kion ordered. "You got it Kion" Beshte and Jasiri agreed. Jasiri and Hyenas bark and scratch at the crocodiles, While Kion and Beshte dodge Kenge tail and bite. Kion quickly hits Kenge stopping him and Beshte charged at Kenge sending him into Kiburi. "Watch it" Kiburi scoffed, Kenge rolled his eyes and attacked Beshte and Kion. "You can't defeat us Kirburi" Jasiri shouted as she tackled Kirburi, "We can and Will" Kiburi demanded trying to bite Jasiri.

Meanwhile At The Volcano

"Scar!" Shupavu called, Scar looked behind him to look at Shupavu, "Well how is it going" Scar asked. "Just like you said The Hyenas and Vultures are helping the Lion Guard, they split up into two different groups One is fighting the Jackals, while the others are fighting The Crocodiles and Kenge" Shupavu reported. Scar smiled Evilly "just like we planned, now where are Zira and the outsiders," Scar asked. "On their way to pride rock" Shupavu explained, "While The Lion Guard, Vultures, and Hyenas are busy Zira will kill Janja and Y/N then she'll kill the royal family" Scar proclaimed evilly. Shupavu smiled evilly as Scar was staring to laugh evilly.

Meanwhile Behind Pride Rock

"We are almost there keep walking" Zira ordered as she leads her outsiders to Pride Rock while they walk Kovu and Vitani are at the back. Vitani looks at Kovu, "Something wrong little brother" Vitani asked concerned. Kovu looks up at Vitani, "I don't want to hurt Kiara" Kovu explained with his ears facing the ground. "Brother you know mother will be upset" Vitani insisted, "But Vitani I don't want to hurt them" Kovu begged to Vitani. "Kovu, Vitani, pick up the pace" Zira ordered, "Yeah listen to mother" Nuka insisted. Kovu sighs and speeds up while Vitani was doubting what they were doing.

Meanwhile At Pride Rock

As Janja and Y/N talked to Kiara in the lair Simba and Nala sat at pride rock waiting for Zazu, "Your Majesty" Zazu calls landing and bowing. "Zazu how are things," Simba asked, "Kion and Jasiri are leading the attack on the Crocodiles and a monitor lizard, while Fuli, Bunga, Ono, and Mzingo fight The Jackals" Zazu reported. Nala looks at Simba and sees he's troubled, "What's wrong Simba" Nala asked concerned. "I just feel something is off Nala" Simba explained. "Zazu continue watching and let us know if they need help" Simba ordered. "Of course your majesty" Zazu replied before flying up in the sky.


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