Chapter 18 The Only Cure

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While Simba introduced the hyenas and vultures to the pride landers, It seems Scar and his army may have a new opportunity to strike.

As Scar and Zira were talking Shupavu crawled in through the top of the volcano, "Shupavu you have returned" Scar said as he noticed Shupavu. Zira looks up to Shupavu, "Tell us you bring good news" Zira asked. "Oh yes, as the pride landers welcome the hyenas and vultures Y/N and Kion are resting in the Lion Guard lair" Shupavu explained. As Scar smiled evilly Zira was confused, "Why does that matter" Zira asked, Scar looks at Zira, "You see Zira we will come up with a plan to finish off Y/N and Kion, Once we do that Simba and the Lion Guard will be weak that's when all of our forces will attack the pride lands piece by piece until it is our domain" Scar explained evilly. As Scar and Zira started to laugh evilly Scar looked back at Shupavu, "Gather our forces tell them to come to the volcano" Scar ordered. Shupavu nodded and crawled up the volcano leaving, as Shupavu crawled out to gather Scars forces Scar looked out to see the pride lands, "Just you wait Simba I will take everything from you and the pride lands will be ours" Scar said beginning to laugh evilly.

Meanwhile In The Pride Lands

As Fuli and the Lion Guard were doing morning patrol Mzingo flew down beside the guard, "Morning captain" Mzingo greeted to Fuli. Fuli turned to look at Mzingo, "Mzingo what did I say I'm only in charge until Kion leg has healed, and you don't have to call us captain" Fuli said to Mzingo. "Of course Fuli," Mzingo said, "Anyway what's up," Fuli asked, Mzingo turned to face Fuli and the Lion Guard, "After Janja and Jasiri packs joined as one the hyenas live in a den not far from pride rock, us vultures live in a tree near the hyena den, and finally I've come to tell you that there is a Zebra with his head stuck in the ground back at Mapango cliffs" Mzingo explained giving his report. Fuli rolled her eyes, "Thruston is stuck again" Fuli said annoyed. Fuli turned to look at the guard, "Alright here we go again, Till the pride lands end" Fuli said. "LION GUARD DEFEND" everyone shouted following Fuli to Mapango Cliffs. 

Meanwhile At The Lair

As Kion slowly opens his eyes and Yawns he sees Makini and Rafiki looking at both Y/N and Kion's injuries, "Morning Kion" Makini greeted as she finished checking Kion. "Morning Makini," Kion said as he yawns, Kion saw Rafiki and Makini go to Simba, Kiara and Nala who was standing behind them, they were whispering something to them, "Is something wrong" Kion questioned concerned looking at Rafiki, Makini, Simba, Kiara, and Nala. As they approach Kion, Rafiki looks at Kion, "You see Kion I got good news and bad news" Rafiki said. Kion looked up,  "What's the good news," Kion asked, "Well your leg injury is fully healed you should be able to return to helping the Lion Guard soon" Rafiki explained. Kion smiled but quickly looked at Makini who's face look sad, "What's the bad news" Kion asked concerned. Makini steps forward and looks at Kion, "Well Y/N leg is getting better but her other injuries still need to heal she took massive hits from the crocodiles and Jackals and I'm afraid there isn't much we can do" Makini explained holding back tears. As Kion heard the news tears were starting to form but before he cried Kiara ran to Kion and nuzzled her brother, and Kion was starting to cry On Kiara. "It's ok Kion I'm here," Kiara said placing her paws around Kion to hug him as he was crying. Simba and Nala came over to join Kiara and they all nuzzled as a family, while Rafiki and Makini talked outside, "Makini, YN has only one more chance we need to get a rare flower to help heal Y/N" Rafiki whispered looking at Makini. "Let's go get it then," Makini said ready to leave. "Easier said than done Makini the flower grows in the toughest part of outlands" Rafiki explained. Makini was shocked, "Oh no the outlands," Makini said a little loud, "What about the outlands," Fuli asked standing behind them, Makini and Rafiki turn and saw The Lion Guard, Janja, Jasiri, and Mzingo. "Come inside we'll tell everyone inside," Rafiki said as they all walked in the lair. As everyone was here Rafiki explained Y/N situation and the only cure to help her.

"Let me get this right, so if we get this flower Y/N has a better chance of living," Fuli asked, "Correct the damage done to her is extreme only the petals of the lotus can help her" Rafiki explained looking at everyone. "Ok let's go," Kion said standing up but quickly falling down, "Kion wait," Jasiri said. "Kion your leg is healed but you still need to rest," Makini said. "But what about Y/N," Kion asked. "We'll get it, no one knows the outlands better than me, Janja, and Mizingo," Jasiri said looking at everyone. "we can come too," Bunga said getting up, "No, the Lion Guard should stay and protect the Pride Lands," Simba said looking at the guard. As everyone agreed Rafiki turned to look at Janja, Jasiri, and Mzingo, "You must get the flower before sunset, if you don't bring the lotus back by then I'm afraid Y/N will finish her journey in the circle of Life" Rafiki explained. Everyone gasped but Janja had a serious face and looked at Kion, "I promise you we will be back to help Y/N" Janja said looking at Kion. Kion looked up to Janja, "Asante" Kion said placing his paw on Janja shoulder. Before Janja left he went to Y/N, "Don't worry Kid I won't give up on you" Janja said before nuzzling his head against Y/N's head, then Janja, Jasiri, and Mzingo left heading towards the outlands.  "Are we really going to trust 2 hyenas, and a vulture to do this" Bunga said, Fuli looked at Bunga, "they're not just 2 hyenas and a vulture Bunga" Fuli said. "They are one of us," Simba said walking over and finishing Fuli sentence. But as everyone went back inside to the lair, on the top of the lair Shupavu was there, "So the Lotus is the only thing that can save Y/N, Scar should know about this" Shupavu said to herself before crawling away heading back into the outlands.


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