Chapter 30 Till The Pride Lands End

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Character List:

(Lion Guard) Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga, Ono

(Pride Landers) Ma Tembo, Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Makini, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, Hyenas, Mzingo, Vultures, Kovu, Vitani

(Villians) Scar, Zira, Shupavu, Skinks, Ushari, Kenge, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Jackals, Kirburi, Crocodiles, Nuka, Outsiders

It has been a few days after Scars army attempt on taking the pride lands, Janja is almost healed while everyone's injuries are healed, right now everyone is in the Lion Guard Lair. Kovu and Kiara, Janja and Jasiri, and Kion and Y/N are nuzzling their partners as the Lion Guard, Vultures, hyenas, and Vitani talk, "Thanks for your help Vitani" Fuli thanked. Vitani looked at the Lion Guard, "I'm sorry we didn't help sooner" Vitani replied. But Nala and Simba entered the lair, "Don't worry Vitani you have shown us you and Kovu have changed from when we first met" Simba admitted. Vitani and Kovu smiled, Simba and Nala looked at Kovu and Kiara, "And one day Kovu and Kiara will be the next rulers of the Pride Lands" Simba explained. As everyone was silent when Simba talked Mzingo and Ono flew in, "Hapana!!" Ono shouted. Kion quickly stood up and looked at Ono and Mzingo.

"What's wrong," Kion asked, "Scars army are approaching the pride lands again" Ono reported. Kion turned to look at everyone, "Lion Guard, Pride landers are we ready" Kion asked everyone stood up and nodded. "TILL THE PRIDE LANDS END!!!" Kion shouted heading for the exit, "PRIDE LANDERS UNITE" Everyone shouted following Kion outside to the border. After several minutes Kion noticed Scar army charging.

"Play Music Now"

Scar's army and the Pride Landers charge at each other fighting Kirburi, Rei Rei, Zira, and their forces. Behind Kion were the Lion Guard, hyenas, vultures, Kovu, Vitani, Simba, Nala, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, and other animals of the pride lands. Kion and all the animals have stopped Scar's army multiple times. They have attacked every day nonstop but they lose every time becuase the Pride Landers defend their home. (Imagine A Time Jump where they grow older)

During an attack, Zira, Kirburi, Rei Rei, Kenge, Jackals, crocodiles, and Zira's outsiders all were on the opposite side from Kion and the pride landers. Everyone smiled as they stood behind Kion, Kion looked up and placed his paws down. "Oh No not again" Rei Rei argued, clouds started to form in the sky and Kion used the roar of the ancestors on Scar's army the sound of the roar sent air rushing at them causing the ground to crack and launching them back into the outlands.

"Well done Kion" Simba insisted, Kion and the Pride Landers turn around and see Simba, Nala, Rafiki, and Makini. "Ha, Kion and the Lion Guard are growing up and Kion's roar is getting stronger" Rafiki added smiling, as everyone smiled Simba did not. "Dad is something wrong," Kion asked looking at his father, Simba walks forward looking out into the outlands, "All of you have been doing a great job protecting the pride lands but it hasn't stop Scar's army" Simba explained. "What are you saying your majesty," Fuli asked, "I say we need a change of strategy, I say we take the fight into the outlands" Simba explained. Everyone was surprised, "Invade the outlands" Jasiri repeated surprised. "I say it's about time" Bunga agreed, Kion jumped on the rock beside Simba, "But Dad we don't know how to stop Scar" Kion mentioned. "Kion If we stop Scar's army, Scar will be powerless" Simba added.

"If we plan to attack maybe the others will help" Beshte added, "Beshte is right the Pride Landers would want to help protect the circle of life" Rafiki insisted. Kion looked at the Lion Guard, "Ok everyone split up and talk to the animals and we'll all meet at pride rock" Kion ordered. Everyone nodded and left, Y/N walked with Kion going to find Ma Tembo and the elephants. "Kion" Y/N whispered softly, Kion turned his head and looked at Y/N, "Yeah" Kion answered. "What's wrong," Y/N asked as Y/N and Kion's noses touched, Kion smiled and blushed, "I'm just worried about how we'll defeat Scar" Kion answered a little depressed looking down. Y/N leaned in and licked Kion on the nose, Kion looked up and smiled looking at Y/N, "Kion you can do anything you put your mind to" Y/N explained kissing Kion.

Kion and Y/N smiled as they kissed and Kion looked at Y/N in the eyes, "I'm glad I met you" Kion whispered. "I'm glad I'm happy with you" Y/N admired smiling at Kion, as they kissed Y/N and Kion continued walking heading to find Ma Tembo.

Meanwhile At The Volcano

Nuka was pacing back and forth alone, "Was Vitani right am I on the wrong side," Nuka asked himself. Inside the volcano, Shupavu crawled down near Scar, "Scar!" Shupavu called. "What is it" Scar replied, "I overheard the pride landers they plan to invade the outlands" Shupavu explained.  "Hmm invade the outlands, Thank you Shupavu" Scar replied to Shupavu report, Shupavu noded and left heading up to meet with her skinks. "You're not worried" Ushari and Zira asked. Scar turned around to look at them, "No I'm not worried In fact I have a plan" Scar explained. "But first Zira call Nuka I have a special mission for him" Scar ordered. Zira left to find Nuka.


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