Chapter 26 Trouble

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Thank you to everyone who voted to see more of this book, So no one gets confused I have a list of characters below in the story any questions regarding any of the characters like what animal they are. Feel free to ask in comments, 

(Lion Guard) Kion,Beshte,Fuli,Bunga,Ono                                                                                                              (Pride Landers) Ma Tembo,Simba,Nala,Rafiki,Makini,Y/N,Janja,Jasiri,Hyenas,Mzingo,Vultures (Villians) Scar,Zira,Shupavu,Skinks,Ushari,Kenge,Rei Rei,Goi Goi,Jackals,Kirburi,Crocodiles,Kovu,Vitani,Nuka,Outsiders

Thank you all and enjoy the chapter

Everyone looked at Ono, "Scars army are very eager to attack even if they don't win" Ono revealed, "Ok but what are you trying to say" Bunga asked hitting Goi Goi into Rei Rei. "I saw Kion and Jasiri, and Hyenas attack the Crocodiles still and Beshte is down from Kenge bite" Ono explained. "That's not good" Fuli added, "That's not the worse part the point of this attack isn't to hurt us its a trick" Ono revealed looking at everyone. Before anyone said anything Goi Goi started laughing, "You're too late as we speak Y/N, Janja, and the royal family are dead" Goi Goi explained laughing evilly. Rei Rei hit Goi Goi, "You weren't supposed to say that" Rei Rei scolded. Fuli, Bunga, Ono, and Mzingo eyes widen after hearing that, "Ono check Pride Rock" Fuli ordered. Quickly Ono and Mzingo flew up to look at Pride Rock, "What do you see Ono" Mzingo asked. "I can't tell all I see is the lair and the den but I can't see inside from here" Ono reported. "Ono and Mzingo go tell Kion Me Bunga and the vultures can deal with the Jackals" Fuli ordered.

Mzingo and Ono quickly flew into the sky and were headed towards The Flood Plains, "That's not Good" Goi Goi pointed out. "Come On Goi Goi" Rei Rei called about to follow Mzingo and Ono, but before the two Jackals left Fuli and Bunga stopped them in their tracks, "You're not going anywhere" Fuli urged. As Rei Rei looked over to her Jackals about to order them she noticed the Vultures were holding the Jackals. "Two versus Two seems fair" Bunga remarked charging for Goi Goi tackling him as Rei Rei noticed that Fuli attacks from behind to pin Rei Rei down.

Meanwhile At The Flood Plains

Kion and Jasiri both headbutt Kenge launching him into a rock, "Urgh I'm done" Kenge coughed giving up. As Jasiri and Kion looked Kirburi and his crocodiles were running away and the Hyenas were with Beshte. Kion and Jasiri joined them, "How are you feeling Beshte," Kion asked looking at Beshte leg. "I'm starting to feel it again the venom must be wearing off" Beshte answered, "That's good" Kion and Jasiri agreed."KION!! JASIRI!!" Mzingo and Ono shouted landing down. Kion and Jasiri watched as they saw Mzingo and Ono land, "What's wrong" Kion asked concerned why they yelled. "We have reason to believe the attack is a distraction to take out your family" Ono explained. Kion eyes widened hearing that "No not my family" Kion said backing up, "COME ON" Kion shouted running to Pride Rock. "KION WAIT!" Jasiri yelled but Kion kept going.

"Ok I'll help Kion Mzingo stay with Beshte, Hyenas go with Ono and help the others at Ndefu grove" Jasiri ordered following Kion. As Jasiri yelled everyone split up and Ono and the hyenas left heading towards Ndefu grove. Mzingo lands on Beshte back, "You Okay Beshte" Mzingo asked, "I'll be fine Mzingo, but thanks anyway" Beshte replied.

Meanwhile In The Lion Guard Lair

Kiara and Janja were knocked back into the wall, "Urgh" Janja grunted, "Janja your still hurt" Kiara said looking at Janja's leg. "I know but we need to defend" Janja answered standing up, "Kovu get over here and help us" Nuka ordered his brother. Vitani stopped and took a look around she saw the lionesses hurting Janja and Kirara, she saw Y/N shivering in fear, Vitani was thinking about before from her mother and Kovu. "Kovu, Vitani help me end this lion" Nuka shouted to get Vitani and Kovu attention. As Kovu and Vitani shook their heads Nuka had Y/N in the corner.

Meanwhile Outside Pride Rock

Kion and Jasiri ran until they saw Pride Rock, "Kion maybe we should come up with a plan we don't know what we're dealing with" Jasiri suggested. Kion looked at Jasiri and realized she was right, "Your right Jasiri" Kion admitted before Kion and Jasiri could go someone tackled Jasiri, Kion looked quickly and couldn't believe it. "Hello Kion" Zira called standing behind Kion, Kion turned but Zira hit Kion sliding him into Jasiri. "Lionesses deal with Kion and his friend" Zira ordered. Kion and Jasiri prpeared for a fight while Lionesses charged at them.


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