Chapter 20 Hyena's Together

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In the Lion Guard Lair everyone was pacing back and forth as Y/N time was ticking down, "Where are they" Fuli asked concerned. Rafiki looks outside to see only minutes remain before its too late, Kiara looked at Kion and they both exchanged worried looks. "Lion Guard!!" Mzingo shouted landing in the lair panicking, "Where's the Lotus?" Simba questioned. "Jasiri has it, but Janja and Jasiri are almost here but now they are being attacked by Scar's army" Mzingo reported. Kion quickly stood up and limped outside, "Kion where are you going," Kiara said alarmed, "We need to help them, Lion Guard let's go" Kion ordered. Quickly the Lion Guard, Kion, Kiara, and Mzingo were headed to find Janja and Jasiri.

Meanwhile With Janja and Jasiri

Janja got whacked by Kiburi then hit by Rei Rei and rolled hitting a rock but Janja slowly got back up, Jasiri looked at Janja and saw he was hurt, "Janja your..." Jasiri tried to say. "I know Jasiri just keep that Lotus safe" Janja said grunting in pain and panting hard. Jasiri was very worried so she gave the Lotus to Janja, "What what are you..." Janja said as Jasiri gave the Lotus to him. "You can't beat us Jasiri," Kirburi said evilly, "I'm not letting you hurt Janja, or stopping us from saving Y/N" Jasiri growled ready to attack.

Janja P.O.V

Wow, Jasiri is brave is she really gonna protect me something is different about Jasiri,

As Janja was thinking Jasiri fought the Crocodiles and the Jackals, "Come on she's one hyena someone get her" Kiburi ordered. Jasiri dodged the crocodile's tails and Jackals attacks, Jasiri used her leg to hit Goi Goi and he went flying and hit 4 other Jackals. As Jasiri turned Rei Rei hit her from behind knocking her down, Kiburi went in to bite Jasiri. Jasiri heard a big crunch sound, "AHHHHH!!!!" Janja yelled in pain falling down. Jasiri opened her eyes and saw Janja took the hit for her, Jasiri ran and hit them back and looked at Janja, "Janja are you okay" Jasiri asked concerned. "I'm...fine," Janja said grunting, "You don't sound fine why did you do that" Jasiri said. "You said you would protect me and I wanted to protect you" Janja answered smiling a little bit before grunting again. Jasiri looked at Janja and licked his leg to help stop the bleeding, Janja was shocked a little, "Jasiri are you?" Janja said hesitating. "Hold still I'm trying to help," Jasiri said licking his wounds. 

"That's very cute but it's over," Kiburi said getting up, before Kiburi went to attack again hyenas and vultures started attacking them, then the Lion Guard arrived and attacked the Jackals and Crocodiles too. "MZINGO, ONO THE LOTUS" Kion shouted after Kion shouted Mzingo and Ono flew in and grabbed the Lotus and were flying away heading to Pride Rock. Rei Rei looks at the others, "The Plan has Failed fall back" Rei Rei called. Then Scar's army we're retreating back into the outlands. Jasiri smiled to see the others were here but her eyes shifted to Janja and his eyes were closed, "JANJA WAKE UP!!" Jasiri panicked as she nuzzled her head on Janja trying to wake him up. "GUYS WE NEED HELP!!!" Jasiri shouted. Everyone ran to Jasiri and quickly help Janja up on Beshte, and they all ran heading back to pride rock.

Sorry, This one will be short....... Also, I have a question are you guys reading/enjoying this book if not let me know because I don't want to make stories that you guys won't like everyone has an opinion so let me know.


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