Chapter 9 Y/N And Janja's Argument

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Y/N, Janja, and scars army all gather at the border of the pride lands. AsJanja, Rei Rei, Kirburi, and Mzingo look down beside them they see Shupavu the skink.

"Scar is pleased with your success, he wants all of you to attack different locations in the pride lands," Shupavu said evilly.

"Alright, here's the plan Kirburi, you and your float will go to big springs, Rei Rei, you and your Jackals will go to Mpango cliffs, Mzingo, you and your parliament will burn Mizimu grove, and finally my hyenas and I will go to Rocky Plains" Janja ordered.

Everyone agrees with Janja's plan and leaves to there designated locations.

Y/N you're with me" Janja said as he turned and looked at Y/N.

"right Janja," Y/N said.

Janja and his pack left heading towards the rocky plains and Y/N followed behind.

Meanwhile In The Lair

Rafiki was looking at Kion's leg with the help of Makini, "will he be ok" Fuli asked.

"Just a minor leg injury, but it will need time to heal"Rafiki answered.

"KION" Kiara yelled running inside, "Kiara I'm....." Kion said before Kiara ran to him and nuzzled him.

"Kiara your brother needs rest," Nala said as she walked in with Simba.

"Rafiki how's Kion" Simba asked

"Don't worry your majesty he's bandaged up, all we can do is wait" Rafiki said.

"But what about the hyenas, Jackals, crocodiles, and vultures," Bunga said.

"Yeah, dad, they're in the pride lands and we have to stop them," Kion said trying to get up.

But as Kion got up he quickly fell, "Kion your leg is still hurt you cant go" Makini said.

"Don't worry Kion we will help the guard in your absence" Simba offered.

"Thanks, Dad," Kion said as he laid down. "Kion needs to rest now, and when his leg gets better he can help," Rafiki said.

Ono comes flying into the lair, "HAPANA WE GOT A PROBLEM" Ono said yelling.

"What is it Ono," Fuli asked.

Jackals at Mpango cliffs, Crocodiles at big springs, Hyenas at the Rocky Plains, and fire at Mizimu grove. Ono said as he was catching his breath. 

"Looks like we have to split up, I have a plan," Fuli said explaining to everyone.

Meanwhile near Rocky Plains

"Hey Janja, can I ask you something In private" Y/N asked.

"Ok," Janja said as he stopped to be with Y/N.

"Did we have to hurt Kion" Y/N asked as she sat down.

"WHAT," Janja said confused.

"Well....umm," Y/N said a bit scared

"Do you feel something for him?" Janja asked hoping he was wrong.

"Maybe" Y/N answered hesitantly.

"Y/N KION IS THE ENEMY YOU CANT LOVE HIM" Janja yelled angrily.

Y/N let out a tear and ran away...

"Wait Y/N come back," Janja said sincerely.

Janja ran after her heading towards flat ridge rock.

At Pride Rock

Everyone left to deal with scars army while Rafiki ad Makini stayed to watch after Kion.

"Rafiki Rafiki," Makini said running to him.

"What's wrong Makini, Rafiki asked.

"Its Kion he's gone," Makini said worriedly.

Both Rafiki and Makini went to the lair and saw Kion was gone. "This is not good Makini," said.

I hope you enjoyed leave a comment/suggestions for the next chapter don't worry chapter will be longer soon.

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