Chapter 24 Zira's Attack

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By the way, if you were wondering when this story takes place, it takes place kinda in between LK2. The difference between my story and LK2 is that when Zira planned to use Kovu to kill Simba it didn't work so Zira scraped the plan and decided to live in the backlands.  But Kovu and Kiara did meet when they were cubs and Kion did meet Kovu during the time he roared at them into the backlands in Lion Guard. So in my timeline, Kiara first hunt hasn't happened yet that is why Nuka is still alive,  and why everyone is still lion cubs. If you have any questions don't forget to let me know in the comments below. Please no, hate and enjoy the Chapter.

Meanwhile At The Flood Plains

Beshte and Kion are still attacking Kenge while Jasiri and the hyena's fight Kirburi and his float. "Hold still" Kiburi called slamming his tail almost hitting Cheezi, "You okay Cheezi," Chungu asked attacking a crocodile. Cheezi looks at Chungu, "Yeah I'm fine, that crocodile is mean" Cheezi replied dodging Kirburi bite.  Jasiri headbutt Kirburi launching him into the water again. "You boys ok," Jasiri asked, "Yeah we are great" Chungu and Cheezi replied to Jasiri. As the hyenas continued the attack on the crocodiles Jasiri looked over to Kion and Beshte, "Are you two okay over there" Jasiri called to Kion. Kion quickly backs up dodging Kenge tail, "Taking longer than we thought" Kion answered. As Kion answered he got hit by Kenge tail knocking him down, Kenge was charging in ready to bite Kion. "Twende Kiboko!" Beshte shouted before hitting Kenge with all his forcing sending him all the way into the water landing on a few crocodiles. "Thanks, Beshte" Kion thanked getting back up. As Kion and Beshte run to catch up with Jasiri and the hyenas Kenge, Kirburi, and his float surround them. Beshte, Kion, Jasiri, and the hyenas from a circle ready to attack, "Hopefully the others are doing better" Kion said before attacking Kenge. As Kion charged the others charged and the fight continued.

Meanwhile At Ndefu Grove

As Goi Goi was charging at Bunga Ono flies down and pecks at Goi Goi, Goi Goi stopped to stop Ono but then Bunga tackled Goi Goi. While Ono and Bunga fought Goi Goi the vultures attacked the other Jackals while Fuli and Rei Rei fought. "It's over Rei Rei" Fuli argued trying to hit Rei Rei but Rei Rei kept dodging, "Your wrong Fuli" Rei Rei barked dodging. But before Rei Rei attacked Mzingo dived down pecking at Rei Rei forcing her to back up but as she went back Mzingo flew up and Fuli ran in and slammed at Rei Rei knocking her into Goi Goi. As Rei Rei is on top of Goi Goi the other Jackals try to attack Fuli and Bunga. Fuli and Bunga charge at the remaining Jackals and attack them. While Fuli and Bunga did that Mzingo and the vultures were circling in the sky and stopping Rei Rei and Goi Goi from getting up, "I think were pinned down" Goi Goi suggested. Rei Rei looked at Goi Goi annoyed, "I know Goi Goi" Rei Rei snapped before a vulture knocked her back down.

Meanwhile Behind Pride Rock

"Listen to me outsiders were almost there when we get their the lionesses and I will deal with Simba and Nala while Nuka, Kovu, and Vitani deal with Y/N, and Janja" Zira ordered. Kovu walked to get beside Zira, "What about Kiara" Kovu asked concerned. Zira looked at Kovu, "She'll most likely be with Simba we'll take her out" Zira replied. Kovu was upset by his mother's reply, "But Mom..." Kovu tried to say. "But WHAT Kovu" Zira snapped, "Nothing" Kovu replied quickly in fear. Vitani watched the entire thing and watched Zira lead the outsiders to pride rock while Kovu walked looking down. After several minutes Zira and her outsiders reach Pride Rock, "Split Up" Zira ordered. As Zira ordered, her Lionesses and Zira herself went up Pride Rock while Kovu, Nuka, and Vitani went up heading for the lair. Vitani ran to Kovu, "Are you okay Kovu" Vitani asked trying to talk to her brother. Kovu just looked up at her and frowned then looked down as they continued to head for the lair.

Vitani P.O.V

What if Kovu was right, I don't like seeing him like this maybe mother is going too far. Was Kovu right maybe Kiara isnt so bad and maybe we could all be friends. But mother wouldn't like that, what should I do.

Meanwhile At Pride Rock

Nala sat down as Simba paced around, "What's wrong Simba" Nala asked concerned. "Something is not right Nala why would Scar attack The Flood Plains and Ndefu grove it doesn't make sense" Simba explained. "What if Scar wants Kion and the Lion Guard to split up" Nala added, "But he's done that already and it failed, why would he do it again," Simba said. As silence broke out Nala quickly stood up and growled Simba turned around quickly and backed up, "ZIRA!" Simba yelled in shock. "Hello Simba, and Nala," Zira said evilly, as Zira said that 6 of her lionesses entered the den. Simba and Nala stood beside each other ready to fight. "KILL THEM" Zira shouted giving her orders to the Lionesses. The Lionesses charged at Simba and Nala.

Meanwhile In The Lion Guard Lair

As Kiara, Y/N and Janja ere talking all they heard was someone yell Kill Them when Y/N heard that voice she shivered and whimpered and hid behind Janja. "What's wrong Y/N" Janja asked worriedly. Y/N was shaking remembering that voice, "Hello Princess" Nuka scoffed. Kiara turned and saw Nuka, Kovu, and Vitani with two Lionesses. "KOVU!" Kiara called smiling, "Kiara" Kovu said happily, but as Kovu said that a lioness walked in front of him. Janja got up but felt some pain in his leg, "Janja you can't fight" Kiara said. "Well you can't fight alone" Janja replied while Y/N still hid. "Just you wait till my parents come" Kiara growled, the two lionesses looked at each other and smiled evilly, "Please, Zira and the others will kill them before they get here" The Lioness scoffed preparing to attack. When Kiara heard that she was very scared and before they could react The Lionesses charged at Kiara and Janja.


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