Chapter 15 Sacrifice

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As the crocodiles and Jackals attack, Kion had trouble getting up and all he could see was Y/N fighting them all. Y/N barked and growled while using her paws to hit Jackals back. Kiburi's tail hit Y/N causing her to roll and hit a rock. As Kiburi tried to get to Kion Y/N got back up and headbutt Kiburi launching him into the crocodiles. But Y/N's leg was hurt even more but she stood her ground to defend Kion. Kion noticed that Y/N had new wounds on her back and legs and Kion was worried. "Y/N!! Your hurt" Kion yelled Y/N looked at her injuries, "I'm okay Kion" Y/N said breathing heavy. Goi Goi and Rei Rei both bit Y/N on her leg causing her to fall back. When she was down the crocodiles used there jaws and tails while the Jackals used their legs to hurt Y/N.

Kion P.O.V

Y/N was defending me I felt bad I couldnt do anything, they had her surrounded and her injuries were getting more worse than mine. My heart couldnt handle what they were doing to Y/N, they were biting her, scratching her, and whacking her everywhere.

As Kion was thinking Y/N spun her tail knocking Crocdilles back and used her claws to scratch Jackals back. But, Y/N was hurt badly she had scrapes, bite marks, and bruises. But no matter her pain she still attacked the Jackals and Crocdilles taking them on without hesitation. Kion had a tear drip down his face. "STOP LEAVE HER ALONE!!" Kion yelled, but they didn't listen they bit her scratched her, and hit her lots of times all over her body, including legs and face. "How are you still standing?" Kiburi asked standing across from her, "I will do anything to protect Kion from you monsters" Y/N yelled in pain growling but as she growled she felt pain all over her body and she grunted. "That's cute but too bad we have to end you," Rei Rei said hitting Y/N in the face. As Y/N fell back Goi Goi hit her from behind knocking Y/N forward towards Kiburi, then Kiburi slapped his tail hitting Y/N in the side launching her in the ground causing her to slide scraping her side until she was beside Kion. 

Kion looked at Y/N and he had tears all over his face, "Y/N stay with me" Kion said trying not to cry. Y/N opened her eyes and lifted her head up to lick Kion on the cheek, Y/N then kissed Kion and her head fell to the ground. "Y/N!!" Kion yelled looking at her in the eyes, Y/N put her paw on the side of Kion's face "I'm sorry I couldnt do you...Kion" Y/N said as a tear went down her face and her paw and head hit the ground and her eyes closed and she laid on the ground. Kion started crying his eyes out as he placed his head on her side. Kion put his paw on her head and continued to cry.  

Kiburi and Rei Rei got close to Kion, "Your turn Kion" Kirburi said about to attack but before he attacked he got knocked back. Kion looked up and saw Mzingo and Vultures attacking with Ono, then Rei Rei got tackled by Jasiri and Goi Goi got tackled by Janja. The hyenas started attacking the Jackals while Vultures and Ono attacked Crocodiles. "You got to be kidding me," Rei Rei said annoyed, as Rei Rei, Goi Goi, and Kirburi stand ready to attack they hear a roar in the distance. They looked to the left and saw Simba and the lion guard coming, "RUN!!" Rei Rei and Kiburi yelled. The Jackals and Crocdilles started running heading towards the Volcano.

Ono and the vultures land near Kion while everyone was with them now, Janja quickly ran up to Y/N. "Y/N...Y/N," Janja said starting to cry as he put his nose towards her body trying to wake her. "KION" Simba yelled nuzzling his son, Kion nuzzled back and started crying in his Dad's chest. Simba put his paw on Kions mane to try and calm him. "Is she dead?" Bunga said saddened, Janja and Jasiri rolled Y/N over and Jasiri and Janja put their ears near Y/N's heart. "GUYS!!!" Janja yelled, "I hear a heartbeat" Janja said relived. "Hurry put her on my back," Beshte said stepping forward. The vultures helped lift Y/N and put her on Beshte back. "We'll go to Rafiki," Simba said as he helped Kion up. Fuli and Simba helped support Kion so he could walk as everyone went to the pride lands. But as they walked Kion was still crying and couldnt stop thinking about Y/N.

Meanwhile At The Volcano

Rei Rei, the jackals, Kiburi and his crocodiles come running in, "What happen to you?" Ushari asked looking at them. "We almost had Y/N and Kion until Y/N defended Kion against us but we finally knocked her down but then Janja, Jasiri, and their hyenas along with Mzingo, Vultures and Simba and the Lion guard stopped us and we had to retreat" Rei Rei explained. "Y/N AND KION ARE ALIVE!!!" Scar yelled furiously, quickly everyone backed away in fear except Zira. "Honey Come down," Zira said, "I CAN'T ZIRA, THEY CAN'T BE ALIVE!!!" Scar yelled. "It doesn't matter if we plan carefully we can still take the pride lands," Zira said calming Scar. "Thanks, Zira," Scar said calmed, "Outlanders rest up so we can attack the pride lands strong" Scar ordered. All the outlanders left to get some rest.

Meanwhile At Rafiki's Tree

The Lion Guard along with Janja and friends reach a big tree, "RAFIKI, MAKINI!!!" Simba yelled. Rafiki and Makini dropped down and when they saw Kion and Y/N injuries they quickly led everyone to the lion guard lair. Beshte put Y/N down and Kion laid beside her. Makini you help Kion I'll help Y/N" Rafiki said, as Makini and Rafiki took out their medicines. Kion licked Y/N on the cheek and laid down, the guard was confused why Kion did that and Janja was shocked but they didn't focus on that right now. "KION!!!" Kiara yelled running over and nuzzling her brother. Kion nuzzled back, and Nala came down and nuzzled Simba then Kion. "Will she be alright?" Fuli asked Rafiki, "Hard to tell her injuries are really bad but I'll do everything I can," Rafiki said continuing to help Y/N. Bunga looked at Kion, "Kion what happened?" Bunga asked. Kion wiped his tears with his paws, "Y/N saved my life" Kion said looking up at everyone. "To understand everything I have to explain what happened underground" Kion said looking at everyone.



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